
Topic: Other

Business Name & Logo

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking to establish a small real state agency. I am looking for clear, unique & catchy name and logo for my company. Any thought would be welcomed. It will be a one man operation at the beginning.
Thank you,
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    How about a silver bullet and a mask as the logo and the business name: The Lone Realtor. Who was that masked man? Why, he's the Lone Realtor. Your tag line could be "Hi yo, Silver!"

    Well, seriously, Tony, how about giving us a little more. Business names should not be given randomly. Otherwise, you can just go to the dictionary, close your eyes, open it up, point, and add "Realtor" after the word your finger hits. The name and logo should be memorable, yes. But, it should reflect your brand. What's your brand? What do you stand for? What's your market (and not anyone who wants to buy or sell a home)? What makes you unique (and not your catchy name and logo - that's not enough)? Where are you located - north, south, east, west, urban, rural?

    I hope this helps.


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