
Topic: Other

How To Write A Request For Co-op Marketing Dollars

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We have several vendors that we do a large amount of business with. Our dollars spent with these vendors has grown each year over the last 15-20 years. I would like some advice on how to format a letter requesting co-op marketing money.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    The format of the letter isn't as important as the message. Since you are soliciting money from them to do coop marketing out of the blue (I'm assuming), it's important to include in the letter the expected return for their investment and why it makes sense. And make this in a dollar-and-cents (sense?) format as best you can. For instance, don't tell them you want to put up a billboard on a highway that has 10,000 cars per minute. Big deal! In the span of a month, two months, three months - how many phone calls should I expect from prospects who have seen this billboard? Also, include in this letter any experiences you have had doing this before. If you have done coop marketing with other supplies - how much business did they acquire from it?

    These are the things that should be in your letter for you to get favorable response. I hope this helps.

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Assuming you have a decent relationship with your contact at the vendors, I wouldn't do a letter. Instead, I would call them up or ask this the next time you see them face to face.

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