
Topic: Strategy

Pooled Sweepstakes - Are They Effective?

Posted by lstevens on 125 Points
The cooperative organization I work for is considering running a pooled sweepstakes for the independent furniture retailers that comprise our membership. We are looking for traffic drivers. Any advice on resources for a pooled sweepstakes? I have quotes from a couple of companies who would handle the whole thing, but we are more likely to farm out different pieces of a sweepstakes program. What would be a bigger draw - cash, a car or a home furnishings shopping spree?
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Since they are going to the retailer to buy furnishings-- I'd do the furniture shop spree. It enhances the brand.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    If you offer furnishings, customers may hold off on making a major purchase with the hopes that they will win.

    I still believe people are lured by the sound of a game show announcer saying, "You win a BRAND NEW CAR!"

    The small print could be... you win a brand new car for a year - (leased deal).

    The local prizes could be centered around drawings for furniture.

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