
Topic: Other

Business And Marketing Publication Recommendations

Posted by Neil on 250 Points
I recently read an article in the Harvard Business Review (someone emailed me a link) and was impressed but wondering if that would be a good choice for a subscription to the paper version?

I am interested in all aspects of business: marketing, sales, finance, management, etc., so it is hard to decide. I do not want to subscribe to more than one or two publications.

Any recommendations on business and/or marketing publications?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It kind of depends on what your interest really is ... and why you'd want to limit yourself to two publications ... and whether you will supplement your reading with some online publications.

    The HBR clearly has some useful articles on a wide range of business topics. It tends to be rather academic, and it has an excellent reputation and archive. Wharton also has a very good online publication.

    If you're into small businesses and entrepreneurship, try Inc. magazine and/or Fast Company. They are a little lighter, have articles about individuals and clever business ideas, new companies, etc.

    And there's always Fortune, Forbes and BusinessWeek. Each has a distinctive personality. You just have to figure out which meets your needs best. Our recommendations should be taken with a grain of salt. The publications you select need to serve YOUR needs, not ours.

    You can go to your local public library and check out all of these and more. And then you can check websites to figure out the right mix of hardcopy and online publications that best meet your needs.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    I hate paper. Magazines just pile up. I do read the newsletters though.

    Most of the majors have online editions or at least newsletter/headline issues. Stick with those. You can always dig thru if there's more interest. I do the online version of about 40 local business newspapers. Easy to pick out what I want. I look at them all on Monday. Takes about 1 cover 40 x 5 = 200 issues.

    I get some industry (customer) trade mags just to stay up on my customers business. I also still like Direct (or whatever it is called now)


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