
Topic: Other

Need Reputable Hosted Ecommerce Solution Asap!

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We are a Fortune 500 company using an ASP to sell 30,000 items - equipment and supplies. We have been unhappy for months with the solution and were considering leaving after the contract was up. Management changes there have increased the risk of staying with this solution. We need options. Hosting ourselves is out of the question.

We'll need to be able to manage b2b selling, customized pricing catalogs, great search, easy registration, credit card and account billing, multiple ship to's, shopping cart, and on and on, typical big business requirements.

Who has suggestions on a company we could turn to quickly, who is big enough that we do not have to fear whether they will be around a year from now, who has great technology, secure servers, 24x7 support, flexibility to enable our administrators to make their own changes to the site,.......
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    I know of a hosting company that handles some of the biggest names in e-commerce. I am having them contact me as we speak in order to expedite your request. They are the best.

    You can send me an email or wait for my next post...

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member

    Please send me your email address so I can have one of the top companies contact you. It's very non-invasive.


    --Blaine (Just click on my name to get my address)
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted

    Someone from Ultra will be contacting you shortly.

    They provide service for MSN Hotmail, Amazon, Forbes, Sharper Image, and a bunch of others.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Thanks again,

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member

    The provider I mentioned does handle ecommerce...B2B and B2C.

    They would like to talk to you just to get a chance to see if they can provide what you need.

    Please send me an email so I can make the connection. Everything is confidential. It will be between you and them.

    I sure hope this helps! Sorry if I seemed to go off on the wrong tangent. Many hosting providers focus on ecommerce and vice versa.


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