
Topic: Other

From The Fringe Forward

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
From the Fringe Forward

The fringe of knowledge is the subject. In the realm of marketing, the elements you use to predict and manipulate the actions of the targets are at that fringe.
They are not tangible things but merely an understanding of meta-physical ‘things’ that do have predictable functions. How well you combine and affect these elements determines the success of your product.
In the course of my mission I have ‘worn out’ philosophy, sociology, political science and theology. They are all thoroughly confined to their realm with the conviction that they know all there is to know. They bond with the idea that there is nothing more that can be done to improve our world than work on improving the individuals.
I came here with the thinking that people not preoccupied with world improvement would be more open to an innovative approach to fixing the world situation. The initial reactions towards my presenting the idea have been the same. (I’ve been through this so many times that the reoccurring pattern is immediately recognizable.)
There is a difference at this point. I see a possibility for one of your ‘mental type’ to understand that which is the objective of my mission.
The elements that you work with (that is the understanding that you possess of the meta-physical) are not spoiled by a dogma.
Your understanding is of here and now action/reaction in the physical world. You know that the ‘power’, of a symbol, common knowledge and the Feeling, is workable in the human mind to affect physical action. (You may not have said it in those words, but it is what you do, from my point of view.)
The elements that you work with are ‘power’. They are keys to manipulations of a force. You use them within a knowledge structure. Marketeers work with physical knowledge of how the meta-physical elements work; you bring knowledge in from the fringe. ‘From the fringe forward’ is to take the elements you work with, forward, into the realm of possibilities.
The idea is AWESOME. It is SCARY. These three powers hooked up together in the physical world are going to do something incredible. That is my product.
I wrote a piece titled ‘Revelation for Sale’. The punch was that I would deliver Paradise to Earth for one billion dollars. And I could do it.
I would invest a few million in ‘marketeers’ to produce the best ‘impressions’ for all of the different cultures and spend the rest on media. The deal would be done if no one else ever understood how. Unity would be established through the collective consciousness with a universal symbol for our ‘common link’, the Feeling.

The question is. Would you help me to sell a ‘Revelation’?

peace & Love
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    You could start a nonprofit. You could market it as others have as in the "secret", Silva, NLP.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Like so many things that haven't been done before, this one carries considerable risk. A talented marketer would have to devote many hours/days/months, perhaps years, to the project. And in the end there's no absolute guarantee of success.

    For the right fee you can probably get several who would be interested in the project. But most of us have to support our families while we're awaiting the payoff.

    If you can develop a clear project description (kind of like an RFP) and budget, then we can decide if we want to participate. Your description of what you're trying to accomplish (above) is a little vague for most professional marketers. It's hard to determine what will be involved and over how long a period of time.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I don't think its that unique. there are many nonprofits dedicated to communication, promotion of non violence and other non tangibles. In fact, a 501(c)3 by charter is an educational entity. Think of the board you could draw, past nobel peace prize winners -- Sting, Yoko Ono, Green Day. Grant dollars would be available.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I don't think its that unique. there are many nonprofits dedicated to communication, promotion of non violence and other non tangibles. In fact, a 501(c)3 by charter is an educational entity. Think of the board you could draw, past nobel peace prize winners -- Sting, Yoko Ono, Green Day. Grant dollars would be available.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Your description of what you're looking to accomplish is too vague for me. Teaching the world a common word has been done in Marketing (think "Coca Cola"), but it hasn't caused world unity/understanding.

    Let's say you teach the world the new word. Is it your expectation that spontaneously unity would occur, or would the process of teaching the word cause the effect, or ... ?

    I guess I'm asking you to tell me the story of how this project would look and the specific results that you'd see occurring.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I did not say grant dollars would be available "if" you had a celebrity board-- but those types of people would be a natural for it.

    For a US 501(c)3 you'd need a US presence. Chasing grant dollars is on a one by one basis. You may be able to find a donor that is promoting international orgs.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I think you have a tough sell.

    You claim that if someone spends $1 billion, then wonderful things will occur, including world peace and an improvement in the human condition.

    I think most folks are more interested in seeing proof that in listening to a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.

    If some level of common understanding is all that is required for this miracle to occur, could you then do it on a smaller scale, such as a focus group including folks from several cultures?

    If you can prove your concept on a smaller scale, this may open doors for you to test and refine the project larger scales.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Yes you can. I have been on a nonprofit most my adult life-- its a core belief of mine to "give back".

    About 6 years ago I was a founding board member of the CO Chapter, US Green Building Chapter-- a nonpaid volunteer position. I was as treasurer, responsible for filling out that beast of a document. You can get on the IRS site and download the form. I was at the cusp of the "shorter" version of the form and refiled when it became available. Its still a beast.

    Just filling out the form does not guarantee the IRS will approve it. Expect it to be rejected first, or they want to alter it in some way. I mean that is their job. We needed to be a 501(c)3-- the IRS came back and said they'd only accept it if we changed designation to "trade org". We said no, and worked with them for approval as we wanted it to be.

    Submittal of the form allows you to act as a nonprofit immediately. And when they grant you status (assuming its approved) it will be retroactive to date of filing.

    The IRS also runs low cost ($25) classes on nonprofit finances. Not for profit does not mean no money-- in fact the IRS wants you to make money. You will learn things like unrelated income (that you would pay tax on) and other snaffu's that will keep you off their radar screen. And yes, you'll have to file a tax (nontax) return. Download that puppy just to see how much fun you'll continue to have.

  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    You know what is accurate in your response-- look at the stock market-- who IS delivering what they promised to do
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    You are right-- its a pain worse than many.

    But with it good things can happen.

    Build into your plan the budget to pay (or find a board member who'll do this gratis) for someone to handle this.

    You can do this not for profit. But you won't escape the IRS paperwork. Especially for a bil

    Look at your big picture. The paperwork is just an ankle nipper. No matter how you go, you will have to deal with the IRS on a billion dollar budget.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    BTW, if you don't want to do this as stated-- no worries. As Ghandi says, "be the change you want to see". Join another group and put your energy there. And thank this forum. We saved you a lot of time wasted/

    Truly. truly , best of luck to you in whatever path you choose.

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