
Topic: Other

How Do I Market A Communication Company?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My partner and I have put together a company to offer communication training and coaching to small, medium, and larger firms. We also can help with comm strategy, speechwriting, and everything from video production to employee newsletters. We have a lot of experience in all this from a Fortune 500 company (I worked directly for four CEOs). My question is as the person responsible for marketing, how do I find customers and get our story to them? We have a beautiful, descriptive brochure, a handsome web site to back it up (this is still under construction), and are basically ready to go. I'd appreciate any and all advice.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi susanhume,

    CRM is Customer relations management ,

    have a look at it will have everything you want.

    hope this helps and have a nice day
  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted

    I'd fully endorse the earlier comments about defining your target market!

    In fact, I'm a bit concerned when you say that "We have a beautiful, descriptive brochure, a handsome web site to back it up" - how did you go about putting these together without knowing who your target market is? If the brochure talks in the language of the big corporates, it probably won't strike the right chord with small businesses (and vice versa). On the other hand, if it has been lovingly put together with "something for everyone" in it, you take the risk of being seen as a "Jack-of-all-trades" rather than the specialist supplier that your potential customers may be looking for.

    Having just re-read my last paragraph, I realise that it sounds dreadfully negative - I'm sorry about that, and I didn't mean it that way, rather just to emphasise the point - knowing the type of customers that you want to target should always be the first step in any marketing campaign!

    O.K. - now you can come back at me for being critical of all your hard work in putting brochure and website together!!

    Good luck with your new venture,

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