
Topic: Other

The Sky Is Falling

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Some people down play the circumstances that have the government and financial experts crying “crisis”. Some people ignore the fact that a trillion dollars was pulled out of thin air to sustain an economy plagued by runaway inflation. They say, “I don’t know that we need to change”, or “The way of Society is not negative, I’m doing just fine”. There are many who deny that there is need of a different course for Society.
My dedication to my cause has been questioned many times. My standard answer is that I want to live in a better world. I try real hard to stay away from the negative; there are enough doom-casters.
I have ‘new knowledge’. The new knowledge is of the action of the creative force in a specific function that I label as the “direction” of Society. This allowed me to come up with the symbol to seed Unity.
This is an abstract metaphor of the concept.
The perfectly balanced force of creation exists between the infinitely macro and the infinitely micro. It is our existence, perfectly balanced, a Yin/Yang sort of thing.
Life began on Earth in perfect balance and it progressed in same.
Then came free will. Mankind acquired the ability to act negatively, to alter the perfect balance. That imbalance began the “direction” of Society.
The negative actions are balanced by a positive intelligence which is our collective consciousness or higher intelligence. Our connection to that higher intelligence is in the sense of ‘the Feeling’.
With the “direction” as is, whether it is the Feeling of goodness or Love grounded to a physical object or the Feeling of cosmic consciousness or the presence of God grounded by dogma. , the Feeling is grounded to the physical.
With the universal symbol to “acknowledge the Feeling” the ground will be taken over by the mind link created. The direction will change from negative to positive.
If we don’t do it the negative build-up will cause an implosion.
When it starts to go it will be too late to change.

I know this is hard, maybe impossible for most to comprehend. E = mc² was a ridiculous idea to the physicist of 1905 too. They were used to working with E = ms² (s is the speed of sound). The idea of such incredible amounts of energy scared them.
Einstein got a handle on energy. I got a handle on our collective consciousness.
BLitTeR will open more doors than the speed of light squared. :-)

Comments? Questions? Offers to help?

peace & Love
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    I'm no genius, but I'm not stupid, either.

    I have no idea what you're talking about.

    Part of getting anyone to take an interest in what you're doing (assuming you're looking for more than 1 out of every 1 million people) is to convey your message in a way that most people can understand.

    I don't.

    Care to dumb it down for the rest of us?
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    You haven't lost me I just disagree.

    One cannot "acquire" free will on one's own. One must be "given" free will. Free will is only proven by the action of choosing another (in the case wrong) way.

    To love or hate. To obey or disobey. That God knows our choice in advance does not disprove free will.

  • Posted on Member
    The information you have provided is new to me. Thank's for it.

    [URL deleted by staff]

  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    I like the way you think, I simply believe it is the other way around:

    The universe started as a very hostile place instead of a perfect balance, the only perfect balance is in the zero Kelvin degree nothingness before the big bang.

    Most life forms take their environment as a given and adapt. Instead, we decided to make it a better place for ourselves (for better or for worse regarding the other life forms). The power of our thinking and our actions is indeed pervasive, and we have seen magnificent and horrible examples of what we are capable of.

    In the last decades, many more of us have come to realize that it is sometimes better to accept situations as they are, instead of always trying to change them. As the saying goes, knowing the difference is the greatest wisdom of all. Just like climbing a tree or mountain, the key to life is both to try and get to the next level, and to enjoy the view from wherever you are,

    Growth and Happiness to all

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    If you have a vision/passion - keep spreading your energy. But if people aren't "getting it", you're wasting your time. Why not devote some time with a local business person to help you transform your "big ideas" into tangible bullet points that others can quickly grasp? Also - if you can create a video (or even a slide show) showcasing your thoughts, you can find other interested people to join with you.

    Finally, instead of trying to create your own movement, look around and see who else is heading in a similar direction as you and see how your passion/knowledge can work to your mutual benefit. It reminds me of that part of Alice's Restaurant (by Arlo Guthrie): "You know, if one person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick .... And three people do it ... They may think it's an organization...".
  • Posted on Accepted
    There are few interesting arguments you have raised which I wish to take up one by one.
    First lets take up imbalances and the direction of society. Imbalances in the perfectly balanced society is created through collective action which in turn is the by product of collective programming caused due to strong association with an idea. Man's ability to "reflect on" and "acquire" knowledge quickly is what sets him apart from other species. It is this quality which pulls him towards ideas which finds favour with his structure of self.
    But again, even ideas/creativity cannot be generated isolating prior accumulated knowledge. Hence the future is only a logical extension of the past in the case of a society which has been able to bring a degree of reasoned thinking in the inhabitants. The distance between the past and the future or the speed of development will depend on the degree of reasoned thinking/ability to acquire & apply knowledge. On the other hand the future may have no resemblence to the past (future highly distorted) in case of societies where thinking is subject to Heuristics because the actions of individuals would be too unpredictable.

    Now to say that one can come out with a symbol which can act as a metaphor for universal unity and which can provide "direction" to the society is vague thinking and vague statement. First question that arises is direction to which of the above mentioned society (I have mentioned the two extremes) the one which already has a direction (because of its reasoned approach) or the one which can have no direction (Due to prominency of heuristics in the thinking process)

    Second argument you raise is the concept of free will. Tell me 10 things that you can do. And after contemplating for a while on what you have just said, tell me whether it is based on your past learnings or not. We simply cannot imagine something beyond the limitations of our existing knowledge. Yes we can reason out and form a picture of whats coming, but that too is based on the past data. Free will simply isn't free. Will can be manipulated but that manipulation is limited to the extent of reasoning the manipulator applies from the past experience/knowledge.

    If you still believe in the symbol theory you put up...go ahead, all the best.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    If you are so smart, why aint you rich?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I'm lost. This sounds a little like the intersection of a New Age movement and an advanced course in philosophy taught in a foreign language.

    I would concede that you have an insight of some kind, and that to you it's very meaningful. Because I don't understand it, I don't know if I agree with it or not.

    From where I sit, you have a communication problem. You are not getting your idea across ... either because it's too ill-formed in your own mind, or you don't have the words/skills to explain it to those of us who don't get it. Or you're being cryptic intentionally.

    I'll keep reading this stuff, but I'm not sure I have any clue where you're going with this or why I should care. Are you sure you're in the right forum for this kind of thinking?

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