
Topic: Strategy

Tweeking Title, Meta, And Alt Tags

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I currently have 4 real estate related web sites that are up but I am now getting ready to market them. I have recently refined and expanded the content and I am now ready to have someone go in and improve the Title, Meta, and Alt Tags.

I do not think I need an SEO company, just a pro that can spend 15-30 minutes on each site. The only quote I have so far is for $150 per site. However I figured someone thru MarketingProfs would have knowledge of a competent and more reasonable priced Internet Marketing Pro.
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    At the risk of answering your question with a question, what makes you think that 15-30 minutes per site is enough?

    Okay, let's make it more than one question.

    What's your goal as far as visbility? Is Google an important search engine to you? Are you aware that there are many other important factors apart from title, meta tags, and alt tags? (And was your site written with these factors in mind?)

    I guess your question sort of has me on guard here, because you seem to be focused on speed and price. Doing this job right takes more than two hours cumulative. It's an ongoing, iterative process that can take months to yield any results.

    I fear that if you are willing to commit only two hours of professional time to this effort (not to mention only $600), those two hours and those funds will end up being wasted.

    Curious to hear your feedback here, as well as that of others.

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Everyone is absolutely right! There is so much more to consider.

    We need to focus on your competitors, the key words YOU have and chosen and the ones that will WORK BEST ( they don't always agree! ).

    There is absolutely no way to perform SEO in 15-30. Like the others have said, it is an ongoing project that can take months to fulfill....and usually does.

    Having all that been said, I would be happy to help you, and propose a pricing structure to fit within your budget. Please send me an email (just click on my name), and we can talk about this in greater detail.

    Also, if you could either post or send my the URL's, Amanda or I may be able to assist you right away and give you an idea where your sites stand.

    Thank you !
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    If you send me an email (just click on my name) I'll give you a quote for exactly what you want to be performed.

    You seem pretty set on what you want to be performed and what you are willing to pay, so I won't try to upsell or convince you anymore than anyone else already has.

    We can try it your way, and if it doesn't work, we can go the next route.

    I look forward to hearing from you!

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