
Topic: Other

Significant Contributions Made By Marketers

Posted by Anonymous on 150 Points
A friend of mine has being invited for a job interview in a publishing firm(They produce daily newspaper in Ghana).

He is a marketer who has just being graduated and the ultimate question he is anticipating is this"What significant contributions can you make towards the growth and prosperity of our firm".

Will members kindly help me respond to this question as he has fall on me for advice.
Counting very much on your cooperation
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I would encourage him to respond with questions about the firm. This will show that he didn't walk in with a pre-fab, boring answer. Rather, by responding with questions about the firm's goals, growth expectations etc, he will show them he is a thinker, someone who is willing to dig into the details and specific needs - then apply his creative talents combined with his education and intuition to formulate the best laid plans according the the particular demographics, competition, resources, etc.

    This will blow their socks off more than just stating what I stated above. He can use those lines, but fill in the gaps with actual company info obtained from his own inquiry.

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    I believe it is very important for him to answer that question as honestly as he can. Nothing can replace sincerity and honesty on a job interview. I agree with Jett pat answers can be more dangerous than him allowing his convictions to flow freely. This does not mean he does not need to give the question you have raised any thought. I just think in a job interview I have always allowed my desire to work for the company to flow from my lips. Some may disagree but this works for me. I just believe that above always having the best or right answer there are some things that are worth more in a job interview. Things like an answer expressed honestly, sincerely and one coming from a person who knows his purpose. Please let your friend know they have nothing to be uptight about. Either he loves marketing and wants to help companies grow from the knowlege he posseses or he loves to do something else that will allow his passion to come forth like a fountain. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE, (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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