
Topic: Strategy

A Simple Plan

Posted by Anonymous on 1500 Points
That alone is what has to be sold. And that is the problem.
It has been suggested in many different forms, “develop a following and progress from there.”
I could do that. I had the opportunity to test myself as the result of passing out 8,000 “BLitTeR Magic” flyers door to door in Old Town Alexandria, VA. I was invited to read some poetry that was on the web site at that time.
I only had about ten minutes, and I blew them away. I’m so empowered with this knowledge there was immediate and strong connection with the audience.
I was handing out flyers to people going in and one guy said, “Keep your trash”. Afterwards he made a public display of apologizing. Half a dozen people were going to get involved, we’d talk tomorrow.
And the ‘big dog’ growled that night.
Anyway, I could personally succeed on the path of preacher/teacher. I could become respected (by followers) and wealthy. BLitTeR would be lost in the BS.
The word/symbol and its simple meaning must remain a single point of understanding to cross the barriers of Language and Culture.
Going the preacher/teacher route requires some sort of dogma, the followers bite into different parts of it and the group is defined by it. The simple plan would be obscured by the dogma and identity of the group.
I know that I am ignorant of a whole lot of marketing stuff. But I do believe that this is a marketing problem that has not been encountered before. It’s kinda like religion but it cannot be like a religion and succeed.

What would it take to ‘teach the world a word’?
Given the uncertain times we are experiencing, do you think the possibility of establishing Unity would be worth the effort?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Why are you worried about what other people think?

    If it makes you happy, and if it gives your life purpose, and if it doesn't hurt anyone else...who cares what others think?

    You asked a question, so I'll give you an answer. I think you're wasting your time, and I'm not really interested in learning more about what you're doing.

    But I'm not so great an egomaniac as to think that I should have any influence on your life or what you do with it.

    You believe in it...have at it!
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Your theories remind me of the story of the Tower of Babel.

    In this biblical story, the whole world had one language, and was unified apparently in purpose. From God's point of view, as the story goes, this was the bad thing, and so God created multiple languages.

    From a biblical point of view, you are seeking to reverse this process. From a biblical point of view, it was not a single word which united mankind, but a common language and speech.

    From a biblical point of view, such a program to reestablish a universal language would be contrary to God's plan, as I believe it to be expressed in the Old Testament.
  • Posted by michael on Member
    I wonder if you have the time to read The Butlerian Jihad all the way thru Sandworms of Dune.

    I think you would enjoy it.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Three questions arise in my mind:

    1. What message are you trying to communicate (for people more erudite than I seem to be struggling to assimilate it)?

    2. With whom are you trying to communicate? (Because it is clear some segments are searching for a message they can make mean something to them, while others are severely turned off by such unsolicited messages).

    3. What do you want the recipients of the message to do next?

    Until you can answer those questions clearly and in terms people like me can understand and make meaningful, you haven't much hope of persuading anyone to do anything.


    Chris B

  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Hello again, Tinker. To address your question, "What would it take to ‘teach the world a word,'" I will tell you what I tell every entrepreneur with a new product who asks me how to sell a million (not saying you want to "sell" the word, but the answer is the same for your case, too): You do it by selling the first one first and then do that a million times. Making it specific to your problem, you teach the world a word by teaching one person first.

    Here's why this is important. First, teaching (substitute selling for teaching for other products) is an individual thing. It loses its meaning when you abstract it to populations with means and standard deviations. The world is not made up of 6.7 billion "average" beings, but instead 6.7 billion individuals. By looking at it this way, you arrive at a teaching process that must be flexible enough to take into account individual differences.

    Second, in taking on the goal of teaching the first person, you must actually start. You will fail, learn from the experience, apply the learning to the next person, fail again, make more changes to the process, and then finally gain success. You will find the process that works. Not every time - you will fail again. But you will have learned the process of optimizing the process for individual differences, learn to look for those differences, and adapt before you start teaching.

    Third, in teaching individuals, you create advocates who will help you teach. This works particularly well if you teach and then teach them to teach. It used to be that the only way to make a word global was to spend lots of money. McDonald's and Nike did that. Today, that's old school. With Generation X to some degree and in particular, Generation Y, traditional marketing still works, but what really works is social networking and word of mouth buzz.

    So, begin your quest with teaching the first individual, learn the process of teaching and anticipating the differences in individuals and how to taylor the teaching method to account for those differences, and then teach those you taught to do the same. If you teach them and they learn, they will be likewise passionate about spreading the word and go on to teach. Given that the word is as you say, the process should be self-fueling and in time, everyone knows the word.

    Start this right now. You have tried to teach individuals on this post and on others here. Pull yourself back from yourself and analyze the process. What did you do and why weren't the results as you hoped they would be? Take into account that since you are working with only written words here, the teaching process is sort of uni-dimensional. But even so, you can learn from the tries. Then, go out and engage a person one-to-one. After each try at teaching and individual, pull back from yourself and take a look at the process and the gap from your desired result. Make modifications to improve and go out and do it again. Oh, one other important point: When you are teaching the initial individuals, make sure you listen more than talking. You want to get their feedback on the word and your process of teaching it. Value their feedback, for, each objection they give you allows you to learn and be one step closer to your goal of teaching the world the word.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Obviously by capturing your audience in a short 10 minutes means you are a very good orator -- and that is a very good thing.

    Instead of attempting at this point a huge marketing plan--work each opportunity to speak and build your following slowly. Once you gain more momentum, you can add and expand. Just start walking and the path will open for you.

    You spoke to several who want to get involved-- sit with them and find out how. Have them find you new venues to speak. Get involved with similar groups as yours -- fusion market for the good of both of your causes. You will continue to develop your ideas, the path will open, and you will gain supporters. You will learn alot about the infostructure of such orgs. Teach one person a word, the world will follow.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    I'm not suggesting going the way of religion. Few products, politicians, speakers, etc etc, have gone from unknown to household name with immediate success. You start with small audiences, and grow your momentum. As I stated in a prior post, I'd market it as the Secret, as James Ray, and others. Not religion, not scripture, but all for a higher good and continual self improvement.

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