
Topic: Strategy

Trade Show Theme For It Consultant??

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Need some fresh thinking on this one!

IT Consultant with specialist knowledge on a niche Microsoft Product. One of only 4 providers in North America with this expert knowledge. The Consultant also provides classroom-style training on the product and ongoing support, implementation in an enterprise setting.

Target Audience:
At this specific trade show, the direct audience is the internal IT department of any enterprise. They are the guys that handle all the daily issues of using the product, but do not necessarily possess the specialist knowledge of how to use this product to full advantages; nor do they have the time to focus on this one platform as they are constantly "putting out fires" with other issues at work. They need the IT consultant to come and in and get it running properly plus train them how to use it properly.

Value Messages:
IT Consultant wants to convey that they are experts in this specific product technology; they are a total solution (; that they can help the enterprise become more profitable by changing the IT model to proactive; and that it might cost more upfront to hire them to come in and set things up, but will pay off in the long run as the system will work perfectly. What they really offer is the specific knowledge that enterprises are lacking in this specific product area.

What kind of trade show theme can I use (activity will involve pre-show mailings, floor walkers at the trade show, some type of promo activity / give-away at the booth).

What I'm really needing help on is the platform! "Ask the Expert" theming has been done and we've exhausted all kinds of ideas....thought about the company as an enterprise's "Secret Weapon"....but none of it works.

Can anyone rise to the challenge of coming up with an amazing trade show theme? Any and all ideas / suggestions are welcome.

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  • Posted by Mandy Vavrinak on Accepted
    I think your characterization of your target audience as people who spend all day putting out fires is something you can work with. If the platform/product that you are an expert in helps REDUCE the number of fires or the threat potential of each fire, use that...

    Fire can be a great visual... would translate to eye-popping large scale graphics, lend itself to words/phrases that can be impactful, and there are even "fake fire" lamps/grills/ etc. to use as promos/eye catchers.

    Pitch yourselves as completely understanding the flame-ridden world your clients live in. Be part of their first line of defense (or their backup... borrow from firemen's or fire safety magazine's language as needed).

    Come up with a "hot" event for attendees (reception, Mexican/spicy food dinner, you get the drift)

    Play on making their businesses "fireproof"

    If you need help with graphics, development, etc., let me know :)

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I really think you are onto something with the putting out the fire theme.

    Flames are cool and you could recreate your booth with those plastic flames that are run with fans. So it looked like you were standing "in the flames".
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Also: Wasted Time (efficiency). Instead of constantly fighting (short-term) fires, give IT the chance to focus on the long-term issues to improve the company's bottom line. The basic "time is money" is highly relevant in today's economy.
  • Posted on Accepted
    There are a lot of different themes you could use. The flames could work if the software your company provides actually assists the IT guys with putting out the fires they are responsible for. There are some fun giveaway items to go with that theme too:

    A couple of alternative themes you could use include:

    1. A recording label theme. Your product is turning average IT guys into company Rock Stars with an inevitable big hit! There's a lot of fun things you could do with this as well in terms of booth design and giveaways. A few related promos could be:

    2. Tarzan Theme – Software can be a jungle. IT guys may be able to find their way around, but you can teach them the ropes and turn them into Tarzan. Some fun promo ideas for this one could be:

    Either of these ought to lend to fun booth design, memorable pre-show mailing materials and cool costumes for floor walkers. I would also expect either one to make you stand out from the other exhibitors. Hope this helps!
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    In addition to fancy graphics and creative ideas, you might want to add some specific verbiage which will attract the IT folks who are using the software platform.

    Is there a specific problem which you solve for folks, which you could clearly identify as a part of your tradeshow booth?

    By addressing a specific technical need the use of this software commonly face, you may catch the eye of a technical buyer, and kick off productive conversations about specific problems and your solutions. Good luck.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone, great ideas! They can actually apply to some other trade shows i'm working on, but i think i'm still lacking what telemoxie just said - specific verbiage that will resonate with the audience.

    In terms of solving a specific problem for the customer, it's more like the clients solves ALL and ANY problems to do with this specific technology. And they are the only people who can do it.

    Ie. Getting a customer's system up and running to optimal performance requires tricky complex knowledge - who better to rely on / call for help than this specific provider who is the expert consultant in this specific field.

    Thoughts for slogans / language?? Ask the Expert has been overdone.

  • Posted on Accepted
    You can use the regional theme for your trade show with a specific colour which represents that area. I mean to say that be like the area you are in for a trade show. Means when in rome do what romans do. If you are in xyz location attract xyz residents/people with the everyday things they do or a common phenomenon of that city and come across with when using technology. I mean the everyday problems faced.

    For this you have to a thorough research on the locations you like to come up with your trade show. There are different different kind a problems faced by different location. Strike where they feel most.

    Tanuja Thapliyal
  • Posted on Member
    What about something simple for a tag line like:

    "Solving problems so you don't have to!"


    "Guidance for Gurus"

    "Help for IT Heroes"

    "The IT Breakfast for Champions"

  • Posted by Mandy Vavrinak on Member
    The whole thing (graphics, giveaways, theme, tagline) need to work together to be most effective. If you go with the fireproof theme (making businesses fireproof) you'll want to work with a slogan that goes along...

    WYZ Co: First Responders to IT Emergencies
    WYZ Co: When it (IT) really matters
    WYZ Co: Making it (IT) a safer world, one business at a time

    (play graphically with it vs. IT to communicate double meaning in the phrases)
  • Posted on Member
    Great ideas everyone!!! Much appreciated.

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