
Topic: Strategy

How Do I Promote The Laundry Of A Five Star Hotel?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
i have recently joined a five star hotel's marketing team and the first assignment is to promote its laundry. i am looking for interesting and exciting deals to attract customers to have their laundry done from us. kindly gimme suggestions what deals would hit you as customers and punchlines that will click?
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi tazeen

    i think your target customers will be high-profile business men /high-flyer corporate executives, expatriates and also embassies, foreign missions(apart from hotel room occupants who will inevitably will use hotel laundry).

    5 star hotel is perceived to be of highest quality so lowering price outright will dent that quality perception. While you play up the PRESTIGE & STATUS matter of using your laundry, you can do the following

    - pick up and drop of laundry from clients home.
    - provide a membership card which will clock their usages and in return customers will get complimentary services from your hotel, i.e. Bar discounts, room discounts etc.
    - provide corporate rates to executives of your corporate clients.

    for tag line how about "You Deserve the Very Best" to play up the PRESTIGE & STATUS points.

    thats all from top of my head, hope this helps. i would request you to provide more information.

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Your Dirt Laundry is Safe with us. (OK, we'll keep the dirt, you can have your laundry back)."
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    When I had my drycleaning business, I used to offer a service that would get everyone talking. I offered 24 hour pick up, plus, I would deliver your order anywhere in the world within 48 hours.

    Do you know many cleaners who could offer that? Well, a fellow in New York has taken up the offer where I left off (I sold my business four years ago).

    Make the same offer, and I assure you, people will talk about you and your service. Word of mouth is very important in the laundry business.

    I also use a USP (Unique Selling Proposition) to differentiate myself from everyone else. "If you care about clothing as much as we care about dry cleaning, we should talk". Make a minor donation to charity and I'll consider myself well paid for using the phrase.

    For in house guests, deliver their "personal" garments folded on wicker trays, and wrap the in white tissue paper tied up with a blue satin bow. Gift wrapped if you will. Not to be sexist, but, Ladies love that treatment! Get the ladies talking about you, and you have it made!

    For shirts, do up the top, second and third buttons so the front doesn't get wrinkled while being delivered back. Also, consider using the most expensive shaped hangers you can buy. Nothing says quality and high end like a formed hanger for suits and shirts. Check out for a long list of resources in their associated trades area.

    For marketing, well, its what I do. Modesty and the forum rules forbid me from blowing my own horn too much, but, I do produce a line of high end marketing materials for the dry cleaning and laundry trade.

    A friend of mine in Toronto is a high end laundry/dry cleaning service. Check out He wrote a real catchy phrase that is a clever play on words. "Poupon your Prada? Gravy on your Guccii? Creeds!" Creeds indeed!

    Hope this helps. Contact me off forum if you need more specific assistance.

    Darcy (Customer Loyalty Network)
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Tazeen, I had two ideas that might help for promoting the laundry service to your guests.

    If you have an iron and ironing board in every hotel room (like every hotel I've stayed in over the last few years), create a cardboard attachment with a message saying something like "Shouldn't you be getting rested for your big meeting?" on one side, and short instructions for getting laundry service on the other.

    For the closet of each room, create a life-size image of a shirt on cardboard. On one side, the shirt should look wrinkled. On the other, the shirt should look pristine. That image could have your promotional message coming out of the pocket. The whole thing should be hung in the closet on its simulated hanger.

    Not sure if I've described this well... but I hope it helps!

    ¤ Shelley ¤
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    Shelly, Brilliant Idea !!!!!!!!!! one of the most creative i have come across for some time!!!


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