
Topic: Strategy

Marketing To Gated Communities

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My husband is a remodeling contractor. He wants to market his services to residents living in gated communities in our area, but doesn't know the best way to (legally) gain access to those potential customers. Any suggestions for successful strategies will be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    You can buy a list of homeowners via someone like

    They also all have homeowner's associations. Ask to sponsor a meeting, or offer a special discount to them.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    After you obtain a list of the homeowners, please be sure you understand the do not call legislation's before you pick up the phone and start dialing. You could potentially get yourself in a hole out of expensive trouble.

    Another possibility would be to find which school or schools these folks send their kids to, and explore making a donation or something to the school via the PTA or band or basketball team or some other organization.

    Do you Re: have business with any folks in this area? If so you are well on your way. Once you get some business here work referrals. Good luck.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I'd go after the HOA...see if they have a Web site or newsletter that can accept your ad.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    By the way, I like the idea of postcards, as Phil and maybe some others have suggested.

    If you do go with postcards, please follow Phil's advice and add the postcard professionally made. Yes, I know you can do an amateurish job yourself, but you want to look like a high-quality professional. Spend the money on the postcard and get it done right.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all so much for the wonderful ideas!

    He has had produced a professionally-printed, glossy, color postcard, showing pictures of his work that he's been using at networking meetings and in a local community newspaper as an insert. What he lacked were solid ideas for getting them inside the gated communities -- until now. Thank you all once again!


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