
Topic: Strategy

Tradeshow Opportunity Analysis

Posted by doggie1979 on 25 Points
We are trying to develop a system/format for analyzing tradeshow opportunities prior to our decision on if or how much we will invest and in what ways. Does anyone have ideas for a flow/format and the types of information we could include in this analysis? This particular project is for a new market segment and new tradeshows we have never participated in before so we have no historical campaign data of our own to analyze.

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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    without making all of my trade show producing friends mad, I suggest this.. Before attending a trade show I would speak directly to a few non-competing companies to get their impression of the show. some are good, some are bad... The statistics of the show often do not tell the whole tale.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    If you check with tradeshow orgs, they'll tell you 90% of all trade show leads are not followed up on. Its all in the execution-- not just following up on leads, but preselling.

    I've worked shows that had very low attendance-- and they've been wonderful for me. Trade shows are only a vehicle, they don't sell-- people sell.
  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    Although I agree with the above posters, you probably still want to do some research in addition to talking to others. We put our tradeshow analysis in an excel format (though you could use a database like Access if you want to get fancier). Here are some of the things we track:

    Number attendees (excluding exhibitors and sponsors)
    Press attendance - are there press, how many, what type
    Types of attendees (titles, demographic info)
    Are our competitors exhibiting
    Are our partners exhbiting
    Cost of exhibiting/sponsorship
    Estimated drayage cost
    Estimated travel costs
    Product we would show

    And of course over time, you can collect feedback from your own staff, actual costs, actual leads captured/closed from the show, etc.

    We will often audit a show before exhibiting -- we send one person as an attendee to get a feel for the show.

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