
Topic: Strategy

Planning An Event, How To Get The Troops In..

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
In putting together a plan for a potential future event and I am faced with the who, what, where and how much. The event would be audience to those in the CRM industry within call centres. The aim is to gather about 50 great contacts into a brief, short and topical breakfast briefing or afternoon tea session. Working with a limited budget the basic plan will include an eshot and a personal invitation. The event would be early '05 and another vehicle to promote the event would be a monthly newsletter. I would value some advise on pitfalls, success stories, top tips
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    My top tip is to check out They have so much content on the subject, you wil be busy for months.

    I hope this helps!

  • Posted on Member
    Here's an article on MarketingProfs that addresses the issue:

    Did Anybody Show? Seven Tips to Increase Attendance for Short Seminars

    I'd also suggest How to Market Training and Information by Don Schrello published in 1994. It's dated so there's no 'e' information, but it's great for background and planning. Other books on the subject...not quite as good.

    Contact me if you'd like some personal help.

    Best of luck.

    Mike Schultz

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