
Topic: Strategy

Help With Writing A Business Plan.

Posted by Mkter on 50 Points
I am opening a Spa. I am in the process of formulating what I need to get for funding for a new business venture - It's been a long time dream and I believe better now then later (believe it or not). One of my biggest challenges is pulling together my business plan.
Does anyone know if whether there is any type of 'template' that I can use to create the business plan or does anyone know where I can get help with writing such a business plan? The reality is, I can not hire an expert before my funding...( These individuals can be costly) Ultimately I plan to seek the assistance of an expert to 'hold my hand' during my initial phase of build out/set-up and grand-opening - just because I believe there can't be any room for error.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    If you send me your email address I will send you a few templates for you to choose from.
  • Posted by Mkter on Author
  • Posted on Accepted

    Can refer to this site..

    Good luck!!
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Rather than start off with a fancy business plan template I suggest that you work backwards. Start off with the end result.
    If you plan to open a spa - how many clients does it take to cover your costs. For instance: at 100 dollars a visit, how many does it take to pay your bills and cover your overhead?
    Then - where would these people come from? what is your target market?
    Then - how would you get the word out to them?
    on down the line until you have all of the questions answered.

    Far to often people miss this in putting together their business plan.
  • Posted on Accepted

    Have a look at these sites.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Check your local Chamber of Commerce if they have workshops or can put you in contact with a member that specializes in business consulting and business plan development. A good consultant can help you get past the road blocks.

    Go to your local public library. They might have various books.

    Check if the Small Business Administration has a local office in your area. They can help out.

    Check if the local community college has business plan writing course (I did that... it was extremely helpful, the course was only $40, and I got a free copy of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Business Plans".)

    I hope you find that helpful.

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