
Topic: Strategy

Customer Service

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am trying to put together a proposal for rolling out a customer service program. What I want to focus on is how to keep todyas customer and get back the custoemr that left. Also need to explore why customers not coming to my business
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    Check this out on google and let me know if you find what you are looking for.

    Try one or two or recruit someone to help you write one specifically for your industry. I do a lot of Customer Service related things but I'm sorry I do not have any proposal's. Most of my business like this comes through those who have heard me speak and referred me for work. I hope this link above allows you to search out the details of what you would like to see. Feel free to click on my Customer Profile and shoot me an email if you would like to talk about the details of your proposal once you get started or get your proposal complete. ANYthing I can help you with I'll try. Thanks. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE, (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    You know, the best resource for this type of info is

    They are sure to have what you need.

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    1. Description of Present Situation (strengths and weakness related to service: statistics, churn, customer satisfaction, customer inactivity,...). The information should be checked with competence.

    2. Description of Plan activities (training, change of culture, customer knowledge, software, advertising and communication campaigns, manage of complaints, operation and process development, organizational structure changes, periodic evaluations, program incentives, goals,..).

    3. Show the future to achieve and the boundaries of it (customers loyalty, reduce of costs, increase of revenues, customer satisfaction, referrals, efficiency, effectivity,..).


    Juan Carlos

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