
Topic: Research/Metrics

Roi Metrics For Sponsorship Of Reality Tv Show

Posted by gocharms on 500 Points
Can anyone assist with the best method (s) of ascertaining the ROI for sponsoring a reality tv show that you are not the major sponsor? The show is contest that uses different voting mechanisms. The company is a significant sponsor but has limitations on its execution, not being the major sponsor of course. The company is a financial institution.
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Identify a group of consumers watching the reality show and a group not watching the reality show. Track their purchases of your product (and their hearts and minds about it, i.e. awareness, liking, preference etc). If your performance increases for the watching group over time, but not for the non-watching group, you have demonstrated an effect.

    This is how Gilette ascertains the value of sponsorships eg Nascar: it tracks a group of Nascar watchers and (matched) non - Nascar watchers. That company is the first though to say you should use many methods and triangulate the results: it also asked its employees what the sales effecs are, a branding expert what the effect on brand equity is, and a media company to calculate the 'advertising dollar equivalent', i.e. what the brand impressions would have costed the company in advertising dollars. The latter was found to be vastly overstated: 30 seconds exposure to a well-designed ad campaign is worth much more than 30 seconds exposure to the name of a sponsor.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    There's a chapter in Buy•ology (Martin Lindstrom) that describes the ROI of the 3 major sponsors to American Idol. 1 is hugely successful. 1 is not. Lots of explanations as to what worked and didn't.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What was the objective when you initially decided to sponsor the show? How did you expect you'd measure success and evaluate the ROI then?

    For example, if the goal was to increase target audience awareness by at least 10 percentage points, then you can conduct consumer research and see if you reached that goal or not. Etc.

    It obviously depends on what you wanted from your sponsorship. I'd suggest consulting with a savvy market research professional; they should be able to help you think this through.

    If you want some recommendations, let me know.
  • Posted by gocharms on Author
    Thanks for all the really great help.

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