
Topic: Strategy

How To Become A Vendor

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hi, we are a rug maufacturing company , manufacturing area rugs, i needed some information regarding the ways I can approach big boxes specifically like, or even approach them for in-line merchandise. i guess the first procedd is to meet the buyers for that particular item and I guess thats how we start. Please send me soem information regarding the kind of merchandise target has and if they can include floor coverings as a part fo their regular lines.
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    You have to actually arrange a time to pitch to the buyers and you have been forewarned....due diligence is key.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    yes Targt has area rugs. The also have had the Flor product (squares by Interface) but I don't think that worked for them and they've closed out most of it. I suggest you visit a store to understand how and what they sell. If you can't visit one, at least go to
  • Posted on Author
    Well I was thinking where can I meet the buyers and how can I contact them....I think I need to pitch a marketing strategy for our products in their stores. I think we have items that would do good on their floors. Just the fact if i can approach a specific buyer and be able to convince him to buy the products for their in-line merchandise.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    So call them up! There is really no magic to it/ There are also manufacturer rep agencies who's niche is big boxes. They are a public company, TGT-- their headquarters is in Minneapolis.
  • Posted on Author
    Well first of all CarolBaha, I want to thank you for taking active interest in this forum. Do you know of any of these sales rep off the top of your mind....I have tried contacting Target through a mail correspondence as that's the only way they accept a proposal from prospective vendors. I just ahve to wait for some them before i hear from them. I even need to visit some fo the target stores and see they way i would fit in ideally in their store fronts.
    Thank you
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I own a manufacturer rep agency in a related but different field. I have 8 manufacturers of floor coverings, none of which are in Target nor do I see them in there. (I'm trying to keep them OUT of Depot) There are many reps calling on different industriesl to the big boxes. MANA, is the creame of agency trade org. Just tell them your industry and what you are looking for.

    Also, te International Home Furnishing Show is coming up next week. I have attended this show and its heavy in area rugs-- and the independent reps who carry them./ ITs been a while since I worked that show, but the main office of the International Building used to post notices for lines looking for represenation. Your timing would be good, I'd jump on that pronto. Next show is fall.

    ANother site I used when looking for lines was Home Channel News. Again, its been awhile but there was a guy who always had a classified ad claiming his biz was big boxes.

    As an established rep, manufacturers come to me and I don't spend a lot of time looking for lines. They find me by going to the people they want to do biz with and ask who is a good rep. Then they know not only do I work, but the buyer has a good enough relationship with me to give my name.

    Last, I know companies like Oriental Weavers and Sphinx have reps (not independent) dedicated solely to the big boxes. Go into Target, see the rugs they carry and call that manufacturer and find that rep. You aren't trying to steal him away but he knows who his competing reps are and can refer you.

    Don't discount Surfaces, or the flooing trade mags. They have great classifieds.

    Hope that helps. You are on the right track, cut thru the red tape with someone with an established relationship.
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Everyone, I was surfing the net looking for some tips on how to get in touch with some distributors or big boxes like Target. I´m in charge of the exports department of a mexican plastic manufacture. We have high quality products and I will like to take our biz to the American Market. Somebody can give me some tips on how to approach the buyers.
    Thanks and have a great day !

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