
Topic: Research/Metrics

Roi Of Trade Shows

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I am trying to assemble an analysis of the trade shows we have participate in YTD. Not sure I am performing the ROI calculations correctly.

1 show total investment was $17,699 and revenue was $230,275. What should this equal?

Is there anything else i should be including in this report? I have audience demographics, lead status to date, specs from the booth, pipeline population as a result that have yet to close..

Thanks in advance!!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    To compute a true ROI, you would need to know the variable profit on that $230,275 in revenue. Let's say it's 25%, or $57,569. You'd then divide that number by your investment amount and come up with 325% ROI. Not bad.

    That means you could expect $3.25 in incremental profit for every $1.00 you invest in trade shows -- assuming this result is typical/repeatable.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Both previous responses are dead on. However, I would question how you can attribute the $230,275 only to the trade show. Would these customers have bought anyway? Did you engage in an expensive ad campaign to get prospect to the trade show?

    Attributing revenue to a specific marketing action is one of the key challenges in calculating ROI. Ideally, we measure all relevant marketing actions and revenue streams over time and then use regression to partial out what contributes to which revenue stream
  • Posted on Accepted
    The Event Marketing Institute, the MPI Foundation and George P. Johnson just released yesterday the EventView 2009: Global report - which has graphs and narrative comparing the impact of events versus the other marketing channels.

    One of the the key stats is that most senior marketing and sales execs put events and web marketing at the head of the pack for ROI specifically.

    Here's a link to more info:

    You can also go to CEIR's website at, they have useful research and tools to help you build the empirical case for the trade show investment.

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