
Topic: Strategy

How To Beat A Market Leader ?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I have developed a application for jewellers to maintain
inventory & accounting. Now, i am approaching more prospective buyers.

I have found that 50% market is using solution from
a particular company. They are selling such solution for quite some time.

My client purchased from me because my quotation was very low.

what should i say to the next prospective buyers ?
Our products are identical.But they have reputation and
experience. Price is not a big factor for the target customer.

I have asked my client to bring new customers
and get commission and he has agreed. He wants to
get updates and additons free which will be done on next project.

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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    If you could offer us more background on the core benefits that you offer your clients that would be helpful. Personally unless your niche is to be the cheapest in your industry I would not position myself as such. Your goal should be to help your client appreciate that you do keep your prices low compared to your competition and that this is one of the benefits of going with you.

    What other things do you do for your customers that the competition does not do?

    Are you bringing your clients better service i.e., quicker, faster, more convenient, easier to deal with or less complicated than your competition.

    Do you think that your competition has more business than everyone else because their price is higher?

    Why do they have more customers?

    What does your competition or market leader do that you don't?

    Doe this attract more customers to them?

    I hope this gets you to thinking. Please respond back so that I can tell you what you need to do next. You can become a market leader but is that more important than becoming known as the best at dealing with your customer? Is it more important for you to become the most customer savvy in your industry, or just the most interested about your customer? Would becoming the best at meeting the needs of your customer make you a market leader?

    Read my profile if you want to see how I did it. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    DItto. More information please.

    Thank you!

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