
Topic: Research/Metrics

Need Scoreboard For Sales Team

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I need some input and advise to measure our sales dept.
We are trading company selling automotive spareparts to Toyota Motor Corporation, Yamaha , Suzuki International and lots of japanese manufacturers.

My sales team are only good hunting in the zoo( maintaining the old customers ) and we increase sales aside from repeat business and do up-selling or cross selling with new products to our 1000 customers in our database.

My questions are:

1. How to measure them by sales process:


2. Is it really objective to compare the achievement by customer category last year 2008 to what they achieve this 2009? and see the gap or graph trend in the same account/customer each one is holding or managing

3.How to solve the mentality of comfort zone. In our company , one can work hard and could just wait for the windfall purchase orders to come in. because PO could come from web sales, inbond calls and from the customers they have been prospecting which could be 1 - 2 years ago, and the value of PO received could happen in 2009.

4. Do we have to measure and put scoreboard on their sales process / sub sales activities/ sub products ? or do we need ONLY measure their final product which is value of PO received?

5. what incentive program suit best for company depending on old customers? Is it by sales point system , say, 1 email sent =1 point, 1 presentation done= 10 points and closed sales = 20 points.

6.What form incetive or bonus points shoul we reward them ? Do we reward money or $ 500 shopping vouchers?

7. How to give point for staff loyalty working with us more than 3 years and manager taking leadership role?

Your input and advises are appreciated.


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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member
    Hi Peter,

    Lots of specific questions...important to keep focused on your major objective of getting your sales people out of their comfort zone. Putting challenging but feasible objectives for new customers is key to this effort. At the same time, you should indeed keep score of how their dealings with old customers benefit the firm
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Your question is one that many companies face. Especially when orders flow from customers with an established sales history. Your question does not provide all of the background so if I cover points you already deal with please forgive me.

    First their needs to be a Targeting Process. What companies are your best prospects? This should include size, organizational structure, the kind of problems they face and the products you have that will open the door.
    Sales people should be asked to rank these - for potential for success. With a time line. The list should be reviewed and progress made tracked - this includes whether they have placed a first time order.

    I know of a couple of companies who continually chased big accounts only to discover their infrastructure (electronic order entry, billing and other procedures lacked what it took to provide value to the 100 million dollar business, but was set up for the 10-20 million dollar business). This was costly to fix so during the recession they refocused on smaller independent companies and saw sales grow.

    Secondly, existing customers should be reviewed for what they buy. What percentage of your full catalog to they buy? Until you understand which customers are only a part of your offering and why, your efforts will be hampered.

    Third (not last but time prohits 100 points), you need to understand what percentage of your sales people's time is spent servicing business as opposed to developing new. Many times detailed understanding of this allows for reorganization of sales with better utilization of lower cost people for the servicing side.

    All of these are aspects of Targeting. Research indicates that companies with Targeting Strategies enjoy a 47% advantage in reaching financial goals.

    This all wraps around building a process. Many people have outlines which they pass as process. Salespeople will resist process because they perceive it as a threat to their autonomy. But, this is a great time to start rebuilding your process because of the economic crisis we find ourselves facing.

    And, as President Obama's Chief of Staff has been quoted, "it is a shame to let a good crisis pass without taking advantage of the situation."
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    One more point - if you want to chat about this, I am doing research on Targeting and would be happy to talk. Contact me via my profile.
  • Posted on Author

    Lets get on with it.

    Perhaps, any other input . Keep them coming!

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I would be very interested to know if you are a sales vice president or vice president of sales and marketing them with direct supervision of the sales staff, or if you are a marketing person attempting to encourage the sales team to spend more time marketing and generating leads.

    There is unfortunately often too much friction between sales and marketing departments. If I were personally trying to move the sales team towards prospecting more, and the salespeople reported to me, I would implement it as a series of gradual steps which are incentive-based, so that I would not rock the boat all at once. On the other hand, if I were a marketing person attempting to impose discipline on a sales staff who did not report to me, I would begin by selling the CEO and the VP of sales on the program, and make as many changes early as I could.

    It seems to me you are asking, in part, whether salespeople should primarily be motivated by commissions on sales or by incentives and other programs designed to change their behavior. As a former sales guy, I say pay them primarily on results.

    Sorry if I'm off base, but I'm trying to read between the lines as best I can. If you provide more information ( are the salespeople employees or agents? are the salespeople guaranteed commissions on all sales in the territory? Are you selling to dealerships and repair shops in addition to manufacturers?) Then we can provide more targeted answers. The best of luck to you.
  • Posted by michael on Member
    Depends if you're focused on increase sales only, or developing your staff. If the latter, you can measure and evaluate on those 4 areas.

    Keep in mind that each person will have strengths in a different area. Make 60% of the total fall in that category for that person (they'll tell you). Split the rest among the remaining 40% (20/10/10). What you'll see is people going to the leader asking for help.

    Of course if you're only focused on sales....let it ride if it's working. In fact, fire them all and let the web orders roll in (tic)

  • Posted on Author

    Iam the VP of Marketing and sales in this company .

    Keep in mind that each person will have strengths in a different area. Make 60% of the total fall in that category for that person (they'll tell you). Split the rest among the remaining 40% (20/10/10). What you'll see is people going to the leader asking for help.

    May I know the remaining 40% in a more specific detail,pls!.

    My purpose is to encourage them to sell more but at a later stage. The establishment stage is to make the sales game FUN , and build the spirit if the game to win PRIZE at the end of the quarter. I'll run this program 4 quarters in a year. and each quarter runs for 12 weeks and we award who is the Leader to get more points.

    For instance: staff who got 50-100 points is the top producer in that quarter. I would reward them and allocate 3 prizes

    1.The first prize is $ 1000 with trophy
    2.second prize is $ 750.00
    3.The third prize is $ 500
    and the rest , would still get something but not monetary , only shopping vouchers.

    Iam not trying to use management by threats or talk only action.this won't work . I try to encourage them and let them see , this is your stat this week, and could you do it better next week,pls?

    and yes, they are all on salary and commisssion based staff members.We have a number of 20 salesmen.

    Iam still loking into more details on how determine bonus points to award them . And What sales activities should I measure so this fair for everybody.WIN_WIN, staff is happy, the company is happy, the vendor is happy and the stake holder is happy. Increased productivity by happy staff.

    Any other input to establish this program. If this is workable, I woould implement this to the whole crew ( Finance, production, admin, engineering etc) as I know , production is only achievable by the whole group on board and back them up.

    And yes Michael, we sell only to Manuafacturers .

    For others pls share your thoughts!


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