
Topic: Strategy

Specific Marketing For Semiconductor Markets

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
How to arbitrate between existing projetcs and unveil high potential products (semiconductor markets)
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    The first thing that comes to mind is a matter of performance (sales). Are the existing products sellng well?

    Second is category. Are the new semiconductors of the same size, function, etc., yet an "upgrade" model?

    I just re-read your question and relized you may be asking about how to decide to dump existing clients to pursue a "high potential" product.

    If this is the case, the first part of my answer doesn't change.

    The secand part, however, is a bit of advice: If I were you, I would not force myself to choose between the two. Rather, I would keep my exisiting projects and PURSUE this "potentential" ( a very key word ) market. If the new market fails you, you will be left with nothing.

    So, in short, don't try to arbitrate between the two, do them all!

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Hmm.. I have an electronic engineers perspective on this.

    I believe semiconductor marketing consists of two key elements: Getting engineers to design your devices into their systems in the first place; then getting the buyers to buy your devices instead of a competitive device (where one exists).

    So you have to keep engineers up to date with specifications, new product performance enhancements, etc.

    Meanwhile keep the buyers switched on to the fact you meet and exceed engineering specs, PLUS that you meet all other supply chain imperatives they may have.

    The engineers probably need to be the target of most of your marketing expenditure, while the supply chain people need to be the target of the sales team's expenditure.

    Does that help? If not, can you expl;ain a bit more about the nature of your concern?



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