
Topic: Research/Metrics

List Of Companies Planning For Reducing It Cost

Posted by MANSING on 500 Points
Dear All,

I would like to know, where i can get the information or companies name, are planning to reduce operational costs and improve IT efficiency by optimizing core infrastructure during this challenging economic climate.

Any search tools/web addresses/forum/business info/related outsourcing events?

Thanks in advance!!

Mansing Bhor
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  • Posted on Accepted
    This might not be exactly what you're looking for, but I get updates from it's free and there are typically a few in his list that would target just what you're looking for. Don't know if the volume would satisfy you, however.
  • Posted by ajanzer on Accepted

    Honestly, I think that every company with a sizable IT organization is at least looking at ways to reduce IT costs.

    Given that premise, look for anyone who would offer you a list of CIO/IT management at large or mid-sized enterprises. If you're advertising, I'd look for publications like CIO magazine ( and see if you could advertise or get lists there. There are plenty of list companies that will sell you by company size/title.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted is one company that comes to mind: after large investments in IT in previous years, they are planning to reduce spending now.

    I agree with Anne that virtually every company is interested in increasing IT efficiency. What is the exact purpose of your list; do you want to try and sell them a particular solution to optimize their core infrastructure?
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Dear Mansing

    It’s great to hear from you again. Do you need this information for Mumbai now that you are back home, in the UK or Globally?

    I disagree with the other posters who have said that most well structured IT consultancies will do this job – many are guilty of maximizing their revenue from your business rather than optimising a given IT setup or even recommending a minimal and optimised setup to meet a set of business criteria. Trying to find such a company from their web presence is as far as I have experienced like sticking a pin in a directory and most web listings are no better.

    Look for optimisation of resources and a proven ability to analyse the leanest hardware and software needs to meet a set of current processes with the option (costed) for a set of options to provide and overhead for further expansion or growth along defined expansion criteria.

    One starting point might be Gregory Micallef Associates in London, UK. ( If you have a specific project to discuss, ask for Greg Micallef - -he’s their MD. They also have a very talented staff with whom I have worked happily on many projects.

    They actually do an in depth analysis of the needs of a company, both for current applications and provide a seamless upgrade for any identifiable future needs. Five years ago, they were offering on-line 24 hr server and network monitoring which would flag up any stress points on a system well before it started to produce breakdowns and often would carry out agreed maintenance without the client necessarily noticing at the time. They are one of the few firms to understand lean service and the idea of optimising client resources to meet their needs.

    I think that they would be worth a call, but as they are respected acquaintances, I would appreciate it if you would not use their good offices as a source of free information! Knowing your reputation over the years I’m sure that you won’t but I must declare a small interest – several years ago I attempted to assist them with sales and marketing work but was unable to complete the contract due to bereavement and illness – they were incredibly supportive despite my failure in that project.

    I know of a few other companies who work outwith the Microsoft platform but none for which I would give a personal recommendation.

    Best wishes over this and if you wish to contact me privately, as usual, please feel free.

    Steve Alker

  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member

    Given the above responses, you will need to give us more input to get more out of this. In particular, can you answer my question:
    What is the exact purpose of your list; do you want to try and sell them a particular solution to optimize their core infrastructure?



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