
Topic: Other

Cost Effective Thank You Gifts?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
When we sign a new client, we'd like to send them a thank you gift. This needs to be a cost-effective gift, as we sign about 15 clients a month.

We are a sign makers.

Many thanks,
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    I would go with some promo item with THEIR name on it...that they can give to their customers.

    You can also put a link to their website on yours. You can also email all your customers that they are a new client...unless it's competion...encouraging them to use your new client

  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted

    May I ask you some questions?

    Why? What is your purpose in sending a "thank-you" gift to every client? And why are you going to give each customer the same thank-you gift? Are all of your clients the same value/same potential? Have you asked your clients what (and IF) they would find valuable?

    There are many reasons why you may want to send a thank-you gift. Referral/word of mouth potential, future business expectation, advertising to their "traffic." Just because you're a nice person and want them to like you. For each situation, the gift may be different. What is your reason?

    Taking away the "politeness" that our parents taught us always say thank you...The payback in promotional products is MUCH higher when you invest MORE money on LESS clients. Typically, if we pick the 20% of the clients in numbers who generate 80% of our business (Pareto's Principle) and give them a more substantial (valuable) gift, the payback is going to be MUCH higher.

    If you have answers to the above questions, great! These would help us help you. If not, I'd encourage you to think about them and when you do have some answers, share and we can better help you from that point.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Eleanor, I think sending a promotional product as a thank you is an excellent way to increase brand recognition as well as promote a positive image. I do however think you should put your own logo on the gift if you want them to remember you. Even if you put your client's logo on it as well, always include your own.

    I would be happy to give you a few ideas, but could you answer the following questions:

    1. What types of companies are your clients? Is there a specific industry the majority belong to? Are they big fortune 500 companies or small-medium size businesses?
    2. Who are you sending the thank you gifts to? Are they CEO's and Owners, purchasing agents, sales people...? Do the recipients work behind a desk or do they have positions that require them to be out in a the field or in a warehouse?
    3. What type of budget did you have in mind? How much do you want to spend per piece?

    The key to promotional products is finding something that fits in with your own brand, and that the recipients will find useful and hang onto for awhile. We will be able to send more effective suggestions once we have a little more information. I have a lot of experience in this field, so feel free to contact me through my profile as well and I'd be happy to discuss this with you further.


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