
Topic: Other

Industry Rates For Survey Design And Analysis

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi, I am needing some good advice and reliable sources (in case my client inquires about how we came up with our pricing numbers) for a couple of subjects. What would be the the individual pricing-range for designing, data programming, data collection, and analysis, of non complex surveys (lets say under 10 questions)?
Is there a group rate "norm" that can be offered to my customers, for such services?

In addition, to what type of wages is the norm to hire telemarketers to make the telephone survey calls; I understand that wages increases depending on the number of successfully completed surveys?

Would someone know the answers to these questions?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    When you have some guesstimates at the numbers, how is that going to help you justify your pricing numbers to your client? I don't understand.

    Wouldn't you be better off selling the benefit of having you do it and getting it right, etc., and showing them how your numbers are a real value when compared with the benefit they'll get?

    If you found that others charge less than you do, you wouldn't lower your price, would you? And if you find that they charge more than you do, you wouldn't tell the client that, would you? You don't want to sound like you're the bargain basement for their important research project.

    Your best course of action, should they ask, is to be ready with the three compelling reasons why they should accept your proposal. Price isn't one of them.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    If I misunderstood the question and you are looking for a sub-contractor, or a market researcher who will take on small projects, that's a different issue. Contact me offline and I'll give you a few alternatives and a recommendation. Just click on my screen name and use the email address there.

    BTW, where is your market? Is it local, regional, national, international? What are the specs for the respondents? Do you have a list, or do you want the researcher to recruit and include incentives? Have you developed a brief that explains the research objective and expected use of results, or do you need help with that too?
  • Posted by jstiles on Member
    It seems to me you are putting market pricing ahead of you own cost basis. Market norms should be an adjustment to you fee basis not the primary driver.

    Also, your question regarding interviewers requires more detail. What is the level of experience and sophistication required? Are the questions multiple option or open ended and dependent upon astute probes?

    Find the appropriate price for your firm to charge first. Then worry about if the competitors charge more or less.

    Best of luck!
  • Posted on Author
    Hey, Thanks for all the insight regarding my question. The whole purpose of posting my question is to get an undertanding from the industry about pricing; as a new comer. The telephone interviewers I am planning on using are telemarketers, and I want to be fair with them regarding salary. I don't feel this is a difficult question to have answer. The project within itself is not complex, it will consist of asking only 10 questions or less, of my client, ... clients. In terms of gaging a price, I wanted to get an idea if, what I am charging is in line with the industry standards.


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