
Topic: Research/Metrics

Need Help Determining Sample Size

Posted by ipawlowski on 200 Points
I am constructing a quantitative exit survey to be administered at 4 large events.

Each event has approximately 15,000 visitors.
My marketing program will engage 3000 people directly at each event, while the other 12,000 will probably view our tent and our advertising from the sidelines, but will not learn more about the program directly.

I need my sample size to be large enough to compare the two populations at the events - those I had direct contact with vs. those who merely viewed me from afar.

How many people must I poll at each event for my 4-event sample to be statistically valid with a confidence level of 95%?
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  • Posted on Member
    In order to answer your question, you also need to know the margin of error that you'd be willing to tolerate. Here's an online calculator that you can use to help determine sample:

    Note that the sample referred to in the calculator is the sample you end up with, not the number you actually poll (since some of those you poll presumably won't provide complete responses). So you also need to decide, based on what you know about your audience, an approximate number of those you would need to poll to result in the sample size you'd like to achieve for the significance testing.

    Hope this helps - good luck!
  • Posted by ipawlowski on Author
    Thank you for your answer.
    I tried using one of those online calculators, but I'm unsure about trusting them.

    If my entire population is 60,000 people (15,000 * 4 events), the sample size, according to the calculator should be 382.

    But if I go with a population of 15,000 and try to determine how many to poll at each of the 4 events, the calculator says to sample 373.

    So which is the correct answer? I mean, if I'm only speaking directly to 1/4 of the visitors at each event, wouldn't I run the risk of having too small a cell if I only poll 382 people at all 4 events?

    I'm confused.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I think you need to figure out how granular you want your analysis to be. For example, if you don't care about the 4 events separately, and you're willing to combine them in one big analysis, then you'll want to poll enough respondents to generate 373 people out of all those who will be directly engaged (12,000 total) and 382 people from all those who will be observing from afar (48,000 total). In this way you would be able to test differences between the directly engaged (373) versus those from afar (382).

    However, if you want to get these same results from each specific event, you'd want to get 341 from each group of directly engaged and 373 from each group from afar. Then you could test the 341 versus the 373 for each event.

    This uses the assumption that you are willing to tolerate a margin of error of +/- 5% and you are testing with a 95% level of confidence.
  • Posted by ipawlowski on Author
    Thanks jlevin,
    That's what I thought too. Good to have my thinking reinforced!
  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    For calculating sample size, you really need to know three things: Population (in your case, it’s 15,000), confidence (you picked 95%), and margin of error. Margin of error is how close you require the sample results to actual population. If you choose 5% (common pick), you can say that the sample results reflect the actual population results within +- 5%. So, the calculator from the link Joy gave you would give you a sample of 375 to be 95% confident that your sample results are no more than 5% different from the true population results. If your sample results were that 37people did not like your event, than you could say that can say that with 95% confidence, between 5% to 15% of actual population would not like the event. If you want more precision, you need to increase the sample size. For instance, you’d need 997 people to be within 3%.

    With this result, you could predict the results for the population. Your question, however, was how many people do I need to decide if the two groups are different. This is given from a z-test of proportions and you can find a calculator for this at:

    Because you have more information – two samples – you can get by with less people to be significant. If you play around with the calculator a bit, you can find that if you have 211 in each group, you can differentiate between the two samples to within +/-5% with a 95% confidence. That means as long as the results of the two samples are wider than 45%/55%, you can conclude that the samples are different. If you have 375 in each sample, you can differentiate down to 46%/54%. The nice thing about this tool is that you can calculate “on-the-fly” by putting the results in even when the sample sizes are different and when you have results to 95% that the sample results are different, you can stop. The interpretation here is that if you have results outside 45%/55%, you can conclude within 95% that the samples come from different populations. In your case, since we know they came from the same population, it may mean that direct contact versus viewing from afar makes a difference.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Member
    Wayde brings up an excellent point here. I was assuming that you'd want both the ability to look at sample versus true population as well as the ability to test differences. If you just want to test the differences then you can get by with smaller sample, as his explanation and online tool points out.
  • Posted by ipawlowski on Author
    Thanks all,

    You're right jlevin, I wanted to be able to compare both ways - one segment to the other as well as to the general population.

    So that leaves me with your last suggestion, right?

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