
Topic: Strategy

How To Attract Sellers To New Online Marketplace

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am trying to help an online marketplace that just launched last month attract more sellers. Here's the concept of the company- an online marketplace for finding and buying unique plants from independent garden centers and specialty nurseries. Sellers can easily set up stores for free and begin listing plants quickly, while buyers can find a wide selection of plants (that they wouldn't be able to find at big retailers like Home Depot) based on their growing conditions and needs.

According to the company, their user base is younger gardeners (25-40) & older sellers who are often baby boomers.

The marketplace launched last month & so far they only have one seller signed on. While they're ramping up, it is free for the sellers to set up their online storefront. They need some advice on how to attract independent garden centers and specialty nurseries. Here's the problems they're facing with attracting/maintaining sellers:

-Sellers are not web savvy
-Sellers are widely distributed (across the US)
-Every seller has different return/shipping/quality guarantee policies- do we allow them to keep their own terms/conditions (easier for sellers, more confusing for buyers) or try to force them to go along with a sitewide policy?

The benefits for sellers are great:

• Reach a growing number of gardeners looking online for unique plants.
• Sell online (for free!) without technical hassles or website maintenance costs.
• Connect with new customers from across the United States.
• Enjoy advertising, public relations, and outreach resources.
• Access an ongoing list of features including faceted searches, automated shipping, and a newletter tool for sellers.
• Work one-on-one with the online marketplace team as we help you build your online business.

So far, they've contacted bloggers, created a blog, developed a following on Twitter, done some SEO and optimized their site, but b/c many sellers are not tech-savvy, these tactics have fallen flat. Any tips on how to attract such a unique group of retailers?

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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    There are a number of ways. Where does one start explaining which channel to begin with. Viral video, social-media, affiliate programs, blogging, PPC, SEO, ride-along mailing lists. You have to start at multiple places to build traffic! That is key.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    If you want retailers-- you need face to face sales.

    Everything they are doing right now is too passive. How do you differentiate yourself from the guy selling snake oil? Why would they buy from you?

    People buy from people and people build relationships. B2B is a realtionship sale. If you want B2c sales-- then fusion market or sell via established sellers-- like proflowers.

    Unless someone specifically looks for an exotic plant-- you have an uphill but not crazy battle. For example-- we just relocated and a veggie we love could certainly grow in GA (vs CO) but isn't popular. So did the google thing- and reality is-- I'm buying 20 seeds of a Big Jim Pepper for a whopping $1-- is that a biz plan model??
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Why not contact one of the independent garden center organizations such as:

    Also, if you're in the area: (attend the trade show to do a face-to-face presentation as Carol suggests).

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