
Topic: Strategy

How To Write A Marketing Plan As A Franchisor?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I just graduated in Marketing (Bachelors degree) and I started working as Marketing Assistent with a wholesale. We have 18 own locations and 30 franchise-locations. Currently, we have no specific marketingplan with objectives etc. I want to introduce this, but I have a question about it: should I develop objectives for each location or do we have to develop global objectives? What 's the best option? Thanks in advance for helping me out with this.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I agree with my colleagues here on developing a marketing strategy for the organization as a whole.

    However, my experience in wholesaling dictates that I believe you can achieve more faster by building tools which can be used in sales activities on the local level.

    My practice is built around wholesale distribution. I would be very interested in specifics around your situation. Contact me via my profile. I would love to chat some more.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I see benefits to all 3 - a plan for the company as a whole, a plan for each of the wholly owned sites, and a plan for franchisees.

    The first two are ones that you an make and implement, while a plan for franchisees may end up being more guidelines than an implementable plan (as the fanchisee does have a legally separate business from you, though one that works with you in many ways).

    It may be best to start with the big (overall corporate) plan first, and once that is set, you can then work out towards the local shop plans. This would help tie all the plans together.
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    You are a wholesaler.

    Are we talking here about a marketing plan??

    Or a SALES plan?

    You are firmly in the B2B sector,

    Firstly you need to decide exactly what your objective is.

    Are you trying to improve volumes through the 48 outlets?
    You need to set up a coordinated sales training programme to make sure all sales persons are maximising what they can achieve with existing customers AND that they are signing new customers.

    This will improve volumes and revenues in the immediate term.

    Are you trying to SIGN NEW FRANCHISEES?

    This is a different activity and here you need a marketing plan to attract new franchisees in new territories.

    I would work on the first activity first to show a short term boost in volumes and revenues + build better relationships with your franchisees through the training activities. (this helps to build a sense of community and sharing amongst the satellite businesses so hey don't feel so alone out there).

    Then work on a SOLID marketing plan to attract new franchisees to the business.

    Feel free to get in touch any time if you would like further assistance.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    The question here is whether you are responsible for communications with the end customer - i.e. people who go into the 48 stores to buy stuff, or whether you are marketing to the stores and leaving them to market to your customers.

    Let's assume that you are talking direct to the end-consumers.

    In which case, you need an organisation-wide global objective-driven marketing plan. with head-office funded marketing communications to reach consumers near all 48 stores.

    But you also need a turnkey Local Area Marketing(LAM) package for the stores to engage with the local communities.

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