
Topic: Research/Metrics

Contest Participation Average Percentage?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Can somebody kindly provide an answer to the following question:
- On average, what is the participation rate for a first run of an entry-form based contest? I know it will vary according to the incentive and by company/service, however a basic range will help quite a bit.

I thought I remember learning between 25-30% in my reading, but would appreciate any feedback you can provide me.

Thank you!
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  • Posted by FireUps on Accepted
    I think your % are very high.

    couple things define response rate of an entry form.

    How long is the form

    what are you asking me to give up for personal information.

    What's in it for me.

    All factor into the potiential for a form to be completed.

    the shorter the form, the less personal information the bigger the carrot the Higher the conversion rate.

  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    that percentage rate is correct for a well-defined target group that already shows some interest in your company, eg tradeshow participants. is that the situation you have in mind

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted

    It's 14.97%... But why do averages even matter?

    Do you have an objective to be average?

    Instead, why not set out to find the obstacles to participation for your target audience, then remove those obstacles one-by-one until they are virtually all gone.

    Hope that helps

  • Posted on Author
    I greatly thank everyone for your help and time. I feel that I have received some great answers to help me along with my planning efforts.
    Many thanks,

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