
Topic: Research/Metrics

Examples Of Retention & Recruitment Questionnaires

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I'm looking for

1) examples of recruitment and retention questionnaires that you may have developed for your own company. I'm new to the membership development field and need practical examples for learning.

2) Example marketing plan templates (even if it's just section headings)

I need to write a marketing plan that includes recruitment and retention actions/timetables for a (currently small) membership organisation.

Any examples/guidance would be much appreciated.

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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    I have marketing plan templates, which I can send to you by email...within this forum, it is more efficient to point you to a website that has great templates:

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Author

    I've emailed you my contact details separately, would appreciate a copy of the materials.


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