
Topic: Other

Who Does What

Posted by dpearson on 500 Points
New to organization - Director of Marketing, two very entry level marketing specialists; FTEs in corporate brand group and they do "Brand" work; what activities could move to field, within the delivery system, such as sales team or executive admin to Regional President. Management and employees view every activity as Marketing - looking for ideas or thoughts on providing greater clarity on roles and responsibilities so not chasing every 1/4 page ad for a $500 donation to a local charity.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    I'm not sure I understand the question. You don't tell us what industry, what you're trying to accomplish (i.e., corporate goals), or even what an FTE is.

    Who is your primary target audience? How are you perceived by that target audience? What do they need? What benefit do you deliver? How do you gain awareness among your target audience?

    Many questions to be answered if we're really going to be helpful for you.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    FTE = Full Time Employee?
  • Posted by Corpcommer on Member
    Deborah, I have the same questions as Mike and would be happy to help if I can. Feel free to contact me offboard.

    Good luck.

    Corpcommer - MC
  • Posted by dpearson on Author
    Industry is financial services - corporate goals - drive profitable revenue - high performance.
    FTE is full time employee.

    Primary audience - consumer/retail and business
    Perceived very well by clients - like our high-touch approach

    This question might be best answered by someone who has been in the trenches with a marketing operations background and has experience determining how to manage the workload with limited resources.

    To restate a portion of the original question - what activities could move to field, within the delivery system, such as sales team or the executive admin to Regional President. Management and employees view every activity as Marketing - looking for ideas or thoughts on providing greater clarity on roles and responsibilities so not chasing every 1/4 page ad for a $500 donation to a local charity.

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