
Topic: Research/Metrics

Advice: Survey Question Wording & Objective Creep

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello All!

I have two questions I am having a very hard time writing for a survey for a fitness trainer. The main objective of the survey is new locations and hours, that is covered right off the bat. Later in the survey I have added in these two questions, my thought it to help him make sure his marketing is on target. Am I trying to shoot to big a bird with just these two questions?

I am not sure if I should do these as independent ratings instead of ranking the list, but am afraid the respondents will over generalize and I really want this narrowed down to the main few points.

My Questions:

Based upon your personal experiences in the past, please rank the following items according to how they hinder your health goals. Place a "1" next to the items that holds you back or hinders you the most, a "2" next to the items that is next, and so on. Remember, no two items can have the same ranking.
Motivation to Exercise
Motivation to Eat Healthy
Nutrition (Knowing What/How)
Exercises (Knowing What/How)
Having Enough Energy
Just Getting Started Doing Something
Finding Time to Exercise
Finding Time to Eat Healthy
Financial Cost (eg: Gym Membership/Home Equipment)

Please rank the following items according to which are the most important goals. Place a "1" next to the most important goal, a "2" next to the next most important goal, and so on. Remember, no two items can have the same ranking.
Fitness Jump Start
Personal Physical Appearances (“Look good at the beach.”)
Fat-loss (20 pounds and under)
Fat-loss (Over 20 pounds)
Cardiovascular Health Improvements
Improved Endurance
More Energy
Improved Strength
Improved Nutrition
Longevity- Living a Longer, Healthier Life

This list is a rough draft but these questions are just to cumbersome right? Any help here.

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I'd skip these questions entirely. Assume that people know that they should exercise, eat better, lose weight, and have less stress to live a longer, happier life. Also assume that not everyone can make the personal trade-off of time/money to achieve these goals.

    Make the survey short and on-point: where should we be located and when would you visit us. Add: How often do you currently exercise in a gym?
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Hi Amanda,

    I do like questions on the relative importance of what hinders people's health goals, given your key objective of determining new locations and hours. Presumably, having more and more convenient (eg next to work or shopping) locations open more hours is appreciated by customers, but also costs the fitness provider more.

    Therefore, you should try and figure out how much people would be willing to pay more for a more convenient location and longer opening hours. You can do so with conjoint analysis, i.e. making profiles of gyms with different values for location, hours and other key characteristics (equipment assortment, classes, amenities).

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