
Topic: Strategy

Manage Marketing Expenses: Organizational Options?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I noticed - but you can call it a gut-feeling - we seem to spend a lot of effort (and resources) on managing our campaigns, budget (re-)allocations, PO generation, invoice processing, agency audits, etc. (yet, we never quantified it).

Curious to find out how other big international firms deal with it: do they keep it the responsiblity of country dedicated departments, does it make sense to centralize particular activities (perhaps even think about shared service centers?), what is the most efficient way forward, etc..

Looking forward to your thoughts/experiences, primarely internet/high-tech companies, FMCG, consumer products sector.
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    I hired an assistant for that kind of stuff a long time ago.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It would be nice to be able to assign that kind of "admin" stuff to a central staff/person, but I never felt comfortable having someone else "watching the store" when I'm the one ultimately responsible for performance.

    Invariably when you do it yourself you notice things, get flashes of insight, and build relationships that later turn out to be invaluable. As much of a pain as it is, my vote would be to NOT pass those tasks on to someone else.

    I've been involved directly as a line marketing manager in at least 5 FMCG/consumer businesses and dozens of other businesses as a long-term consultant, so I really do understand what you're asking/wishing for. Sorry I can't just wave my magic wand and deliver an answer that would make it easy for you.

    Of course if you have a personal assistant who can do some of the grunt work, that's perfectly OK. Just be sure you know what's happening on the matters that count.

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