
Topic: Strategy

How To Market An Erp Solution To Various Companies

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Iam a Marketing Executive of a reputed company in India for ERP solution of the company. I have joined this organisation recently. Now, I don't know how to start the work at all. And, how to present the ERP idea to various companies, either in module basis or on afull fledge ERP solution.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted

    This is a very subjective topic. It varies from organization to organization. Therefore, I recommend reading up on some articles, search the previous questions, and check out the following sites/links.

    Hope this helps!

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I would start by finding out all you can about your products and industry:
    - Read your literature
    - talk to your current customers to find out why they use it, what they like about it, whatthey don't like, etc.
    - research your competitors
    - talk to other folks in yuor department, and in other departments (development, etc.) to see what they think should be done

    Use this as a basis to try to set up a plan. What is your strategy, what are your goals, what tactics you will use, etc.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    This sounds as though it is difficult work, yet it's highly important to create the best possible impression of your product, service and company in the eyes of your best prospects.

    Sometimes when I start an unfamiliar new project, especially with a small number of companies in my target market, I'll start by calling some of my lower quality prospects. For example, if I intend to market primarily to companies in the Washington DC area, I might start by making some calls to companies in California.

    If a lower-quality or out-of-region prospect asks me a question which I do not know the answer to, it's not such a big deal. Once I feel comfortable with the product and approach, and once I feel I can answer most common questions, I'll begin calling my higher quality prospects.
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted

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