
Topic: Other

Business Developer Compensation Plan

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a small team of business developers who are paid a base salary plus commission. The find leads and turn them over to the sales team, but do not do any selling themselves. I often need to assign them to other activities that are more market-research based. I'm struggling to create a compensation plan that is flexible, but still will incent performance. Does anyone have any resources I can check out, or any suggestions?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'm confused. If these people are hired to be business development specialists, and compensated for success in that area, why would you want to distract them with anything that's outside their expertise?

    Would you ask a brain surgeon to spend his time giving flu shots when he's not in the operating room? Of course not. There are market research professionals who can probably do a better job at a lower cost than your business development team. Why not let them do that?

    Is it possible you have too much business and don't want any more qualified leads? If so, you probably don't need all those business development folks. Maybe one or more of them would be willing to take a market research job, just to keep them from being on the unemployment rolls. That's if they have the necessary skills and interest in that kind of work.

    If I'm missing something, let me know. I get the feeling there's something I don't really understand. I'm not trying to be a smart-ass. It's just not clear to me why you would want to do what you're suggesting.

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