
Topic: Strategy

How Can I Sell My Sauces And Marinades?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been told by many people the sauces and marinades i bring to a local 12 step hall are marketable. got any advise to start selling and making money from my sauces and marinades?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    What Randall offers is great, sound advice and calling him is what I recommend! He has experience in this space and a lot to offer. If you're serious about doing this, that is.

    I would also tell you that foregoing the basics (that Randall offers as the first steps) and charging ahead based on what people at a 12-step hall get for "free" IS NOT the way to go! People are very complimentary to your product and service when it's free. The real test of marketability is if the same people would be willing to part with real money to buy it. And just asking them if they would be most likely will result in a positive answer. The test is when they tell you they'd pay $5 for your sauce if it were offered for sale is when you tell them you have a case in the car and will get them a jar for $5. If they agree, then you have your market test. Otherwise, they are just nice people trying to make you feel good (nothing wrong with that - it's just not "business).

    Call Randall. You won't regret the call and after, you'll have a little more clarity on where you want to go and perhaps someone to help you get there.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for the advise. Sincerely, Daniel R. McDougal

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