
Topic: Research/Metrics

Market Research Tools

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Tasked with researching group purchasing organizations, specifically in the healthcare industry. Looking for solid sources of material outside of Knowledge Source, Major Accounts Exchange,, and Grey House Publishing.

As always, any insight to your favorite research sources is greatly appreciated.

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    You may want to check out:

    It has a ton of info, links, etc for almost every aspect of marketing and sales.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Frank, if you don't get the results you're seeking, you might be able to convince the moderator (Val) to refund the points you assigned to this question.

    I wish I could offer you some resources, but this one's out of my queendom. ;]

    - Shelley
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    Sorry, I'm confused. I've read this question at least a half a dozen times, and I have no idea what it is you are looking for. For example, I do not now what "organizational/industry analysis" is.

    It seems that people keep trying to give you information, but that frequently they give you the wrong information, - maybe it is because they did not understand the question. I know I don't.

    I once heard a story about Napoleon. Napoleon asked his generals to find the most stupid officer in his army. When the person was presented to Napoleon - Napoleon made him a member of his general staff. This stupid officer's job was to read every order before it went out to the field, and if he did not understand it, the order had to be re-written.

    You have re-posted this as an urgent question, and I would like to try to help, but I guess I'm just stupid. If you would like us to try to provide information, could you please re-phrase your question, providing more detail, possibly illustrating what you are looking for with examples, and tell us precisely, exactly what you are looking for?
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    A couple years back, I had done a trial of OneSource, ( and although it is expensive and is not specifically focused on the Medical community, it may be the type of comprehensive source you are looking for.

    By the way, after you have compiled your list, will you share the list with us? Thanks.

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