
Topic: Research/Metrics

Cities Vs Towns: Who Uses Internet Services More?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I'm trying to find out who would be more likely to use an online logo design company: major cities where life is more technology-based, or small towns and villages where there are not so many local design firms?

Is there a place I can find out this kind of information? I'm aiming at the UK for now.

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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Hi Will,

    A few years ago, I would have directed you to the small towns and villages as more likely to go for online logo design - firms in major cities indeed tended to go to the many available 'offline' design firms. Now however, many of them opt for online logo design instead, amongst others for cost savings. And even if the likelihood is the same for an individual customers in a city versus a town, the city still has more of those...

    However, why do you need to choose? As an online design company, you are available to everyone, right? If you ask us where to focus your marketing resources, then the question is whether city or town customers are more sensitive to marketing. If your competitors do not target towns, you may indeed find the folks there more ready to listen to your pitch
  • Posted on Accepted
    Have you tried talking to a small sample of both group to find out which path has already been taken by each? That could not only give you insight into which would be the better target, but why they chose a specific firm, benefits for which they were looking, what would they look for next time if they wanted improvement, etc. You might get some really good insights that go beyond your question of who to target by finding out how.

    Hope this helps!

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