
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Plan And Business Plan

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I understand that marketing plan and business plan are two different concepts. However, do you think that we can create a marketing plan in the same way we make a business plan?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi vicky00vn,

    i agree with ajay.

    if you need to know how to write a business plan or marketing plan here are some links to past question on the suject:

    just click on the question that sound like they will contain info on how to wrtie them.

    sorry i dont have time to pick them out for you, but i have to study for a marketing test in two days

    Carl Crawford

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi vicky

    ajay said it right. marketing Plan and Business Plan are interlinked.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    It depends somewhat on the nature of your business. If the business is very dependent on operations (like a restaurant chain, for example), your business plan will contain a lot more non-marketing elements than if you are, say, a sales-driven service business.

    The two kinds of plans are, as others have said, closely related. I have one client who doesn't really have a separate business plan. It's all the marketing plan. Of course, he doesn't manufacture anything; all he does is sell stuff that someone else imports. The business is marketing. (If he did the whole thing, then the import details, warehousing, shipping, etc. would be "operations" for his business.)

    Take the elements of your business and separate them into marketing and operations. Operations includes manufacturing, fulfillment, administration. Marketing includes product development, pricing, packaging, promotion, communication, sales, distribution, etc. If the business is more marketing driven, then the business and marketing plans will probably be more closely related. If the business is more operations driven, then the two plans will probably not be quite as similar. They still have to mesh with one another, but they won't be identical.

    Hope this helps. It's really a function of the type of business you're planning.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    No you can't.
    The documents can be similar. My consultancy business and marketing plan is a simple three page document.
    But fundamentally its got a definate split between the objectives of the business and the objectives of marketing.

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