
Topic: Research/Metrics

Selling Greek Products In Finland From Greece.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I would like to export Olive Oil from Greece to Finland and sell it over there to either restaurants or open a shop to sell greek products like Olive Oil, Olives and Ouzo. What do I need to do this? Is there a programme that supports this business? Any information related would be very helpfull.
Thank you in advance,
Skulikas Dennis
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi there ,

    First thing that you need to do is find the manufacturers of Olive Oil and then find the dropshippers incase you are looking to opt for an ecommerce business. This will help your business to run in automated way. Also research needs to be done in terms of trading terms.

    IF you are looking to offer it to the restaurants , then again it will be advisable considering todays economy not to have a lot of inventory in your storeroom. Ask the dropshipper to ship it to restaurants address. This will help you from upfront investment of buying the inventory.

    If you are extremely busy or unsure how to take very step in the process , you may need some professional help with this process , you may hire a VA from You can just sit and relax and let the VA do the things for you.

    Regards ,

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Start with contacting the Greek Olive Oil Producers ( You'll also need to understand the rules of importing Olive Oil into Finland. That's the basics.

    Then, you'll want to create a business plan to understand the costs associated to determine if you can sell it profitably (is there demand?).
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Agreed with above experts. One key factor in your future success is also your Finnish customer perception of Greece as an olive oil producer. Here in the US, Italian olive oil has all the brand image, even though these manufacturers often just combine a bit of their oil with that from other Mediterrean countries such as Greece, Turkey, Spain and Tunesia. If that is also the case in Finnland, cooperating with others to support Greece as a country of origin may help!

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