
Topic: Strategy

Prize For A Competition

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points

i'm conducting an online competition whereas if they will win they could get the ff:

first prize: 3years domain and server paid hosting plus others tools and benefits plis one flash template.

second prize: 1 year paid domain and server hosting plus tools and benefits plus css/xhtml template

third: have no idea yet.

plus, my website is composed of video/music/file sharing, networking, online selling with paypal and ssl certified, picture sharing, online games, web based chat with audio and video works like skype, full movie streaming, profile messenger and more. the design is mostly like facebook and twitter, but i don't know whether to concentrate on the older market, yuppies or somewhere in between.

do you think that the competition prize is feasible for them to join?
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Alex,

    You're trying to do WAY too much. Stop. Step back. Simplify.

    Your online competition? Who are "they"? And if tell me they're your customers you risk getting a poke in the eye!

    All this three years worth of hosting and so on: for whom, to what end, and with what point?

    Then your website with its laundry list of services. The key? Do one thing and do it well. By doing ten different things your site will either be or become muddled, which isn't good.

    Figure out what you offer, who it's aimed at, and why that person should sign up with you for your service and to win whatever it is you're offering.

    Keep it simple.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted on Author
    Hi Gary,

    Ok, why do you think you signed up for facebook and twitter?
    Both are being used for personal and marketing agendas.

    My website offers a combination of youtube/imeem/facebook/classifieds/games/store/chat&vcam and more.

    plus, live broadcast stream of an event.

    now, because it offers too wide of varieties i can't really focus on my target market.

    I am highlighting here the online tickets selling for events, live video broadcast/coverage of their event on the net, selling their stuff, posting videos and watching full length of movies and more. Yuppies and professionals could benefit a lot by being a member of my site especially it's free.

    i am targeting a large quota of members within six months (just launched it last month and the traffic hits are now 280,567) I already signed up for facebook and twitter account and the response is really doing well, but the thing is most of my networks are youngsters.

    they are more interested in free music downloads and videos and games. that's why i figured out this kind of competition.

    as much as i want to elaborate more about the mechanics i feel a lil bit limited to express it.

    most of the social networks, crawl up for years to get a huge number of members.

    also, this is not a waste for me, coz i have a server which i am not using so i've already paid for it for five years and it's been lying there so i just figured this might help?

    i'm using three types of servers into three diffrent companies.

    i will only spend a very small amount here since most of the tools are already paid.

    so you think this is not good?
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    > they are more interested in free music downloads and
    > videos and games. that's why i figured out this kind
    > of competition.

    Not sure if people interested in these will be compelled by free web hosting to enter the contest. Might be better to put the contest prizes as some sort of games, music, or videos that they would otherwise have to pay for. Maybe give them $x of things they would have to py for on your site for free.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Why don't you have your visitors name their prize from a list. The web hosting/domain isn't such a great draw. If someone already has a domain/host, they're unlikely to switch to your machines (What's the uptime like? How often do you do backups? Security? Privacy?). If they don't already have one, they may be interested, but the cost these days to create a basic website/host it isn't much.

    Tell us how you intend to make money from your visitors (selling advertising? selling memberships? selling downloads?) and perhaps we can give you some specific ideas.
  • Posted on Author
    Actually, for yuppies i already have a ready MMORPG competition to be launched soon, where the prize are cash and warcraft game software. This is also included in my website.

    ok, if it's you will you join? there's a huge advantage of having your own website, whether it's for business or personal purposes...
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Jay,

    I won't make money from my members, but i want to have more members in my website for our event sponsors that's all?

    the server is spam/virus protected, daily back-ups and customer/tech support. easy to use mysql and ftp.

    though it is not designed for social networking sites. just for ordinary use.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    The hosting prize will only appeal to a tiny subset of your potential market. By offering that prize you will confuse the wider audience you are targeting.

    You would be better off offering something more people in your target segment could use - like a free iPhone, Wii, iTunes credit or similar. As Jay says - ask the audience.

  • Posted on Author
    oh ok, how about this:

    first prize: 4GB iphone 3g, accessories/speaker and 350 mp3 mixed songs

    second prize: 3-year paid domain and server hosting

    monthly prize will small amount of cash to be credited to their paypal account?

    how bout that?

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