
Topic: Other

Is There A Word For... Terminology Question.

Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on 125 Points
Ok, having an age-induced brain fart. Looking for a word or term that describes a type of advertisement.

For example, if a retailer runs an advertisement and features a manufacturer, and that manufacturer pays part of the cost, that is called "co-op advertising".

What I am looking for is the term for what is basically the opposite. Where a manufacturer runs the ad promoting their product, and then at the end lists all of the dealers in the territory the ad is running at. Is there a term for this?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Hi, Peter,

    If the distributor was running the ad and the manufacturer pays part - that is another form of co-op advertising. I know of no definitive term for what you are describing. If no one else can come up with an "official" name, you could call it a product ad with channel promotion, or channel promotion for short.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    We always called it a "dealer listing" ad. Not sure that's an official marketing term, but it's one I've used at dozens of companies, and nobody ever seemed to have a problem understanding what I meant.

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