
Topic: Social Media

Managing Social Media Through One App

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Is there one application that will allow me to mannage a facebook account twitterblogs etc, such that I can type a post and select which media it should go to. In addition I'm new to blogging but in promoting a new Afro-fusion catering business we would like to take advantage of social media including blogging, which blog would you recomend? Thanks all :-)
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear elshaw0218

    As well as Tweetdeck, you might want to also look at the following, all of which are fab!

    Social Radar

    See? All is NOT lost! I hope these help. Good luck to you and happy new year.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
    Follow me on @GaryBloomer
  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Accepted
    Hi elshaw0218

    I am personally happy with Wordpress, but you need some knowledge or professional help to set it up. You will also be maintaining it yourself. For you as a beginner in this blogging culture it could be better to use outsourced blog, which you will not have to maintain. You got some good suggestions here already.

    Whatever Happens -
    Good luck!
    Natasha Chernyavskaya
    Los Angeles, CA
  • Posted by Kevin McIntosh on Member
    Hootsuite is the tool I recommend. It's a very popular tool for what you want to do. Adds content to Facebook, linkedin, wordpress, customize and add all kinds of networks.

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