
Topic: Other

How To Reach The Large Base Of Consumers

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am nitish and i am running the surveying instruments company. basically we are tarding it India by importing them from china. so my question is how i can reach to a large consumer base or you can say how i can cover the whole state , city or province.
For eg i want to reach each nd every customer who are in need of my product in New Delhi. take new delhi as aplace which i want to cover
My prospective customers are construction companies, town planners, railways, educational institutes(civil engg), power transmission,extra.
Instruments i deal in are Total stations , Thedolites, automatic levels, GPS, Digital planimeter etc
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted

    Your question appears to be asking for help in finding databases. You can either purchase databases of customers like these:

    These databases will have specific names of individuals and perhaps the one responsible for purchasing. University libraries and some local libraries have subscriptions to these services and you can go there to do your research - costs you time, but not so much money.

    Or you can find online databases like this:

    The ones you purchase are most likely more reliable. You can also use Google's local capability. For instance, if you are looking for road construction companies in New Delhi, search: Road Construction Company New Delhi. You will get address and phone number from these kinds of databases, but this won't get you the person's name who is responsible for purchasing surveying equipment, but if you are good at talking with people and have more time than money, you can talk your way to that person.

    I hope this helps.


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