
Topic: Strategy

Launching New Laptop In Crowded Market

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
The steps to launch new product, laptop computer into the market
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi there

    i agree with Carl, we need to have more information regarding the business, brand, competition etc.

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Huynh Du,

    Thank you for providing more detail.

    Your original question sounded like a university assignment, so one of us had moved it into the Student category. Now it is apparent you have a real business dilemma, so I moved the question back to a more visible location. I also rephrased your question title, which I hope will bring you more responses from the Experts here.

    Good luck!


  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi huynhdu,

    what kind of operating system will your laptop have?

    if it is Linx -eg Gnome, redhat, that type then you should focus on the Russian, Chinese, Indians market. Countries that are developing tend to use linx because it is MUCH CHEAPER than Microsoft and can run on slower computers. people with Linx skills are going to be demand in the next few years in countries like china because it is BOOMING.

    you could try and sell the laptops to schools, health care, universities.

    i know at my university that dell has all the PC's and there are about 15% Apple Macintoshes.

    also at my work (Dunedin hospital New Zealand) every computer is dell.

    after doing a quick Google search on "NEC Laptops" i noticed that most NEC computer that are reconditioned, old piles of junk selling for $90 (us dollars). Now there is noting you can so about that but i also noticed that when there was a New NCE computer, that there were no reviews filled in about the computers.

    what i suggest you do is with every computer you sell have a card on it that tells people to go on to a website and fill in the review if they are satisfied with your product. I got one with my TOSHIBA (which was a special student deal, and has had CONSTATANT PROBLEMS). The reason i choose to get a Toshiba over a more expensive G4 MAC (which i really wanted) was because i could not afforded to buy it. i was willing to wait, but as i was waiting i started reading reviews about how GOOD Toshiba was on the web. they were saying about how easy it was to use and that it didnt have many problems, that the CUSTOMER SERVICE was great. and stuff like that.

    what i suggest you dont do is get a professional writer to fill in some of the review about NCE and how good they are. Because that would be unethical.

    also you could put some of that money into AFTER PURCHASE care. another reason i decided to buy the Toshiba over a G4 MAC was that they had good AFTER PURCHASE CARE.

    sorry for rambling

    hope this helps you

    Have a nice day

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hi Huynh,

    Do you have access to an owners list of NEC desktops? Maybe from warranty data, dealer records or ?

    If yes, you might target these NEC desktop owners for new laptop sales. They know your brand and probably have some positive levels of satisfaction with the desktops.

    Also, I agree with what others above are suggesting –

    Segment the market. Basically the challenge is to reposition the competitors you have named as being the less attractive choice for a specific segment you claim. I don’t know what segment that will be – an example is something like a wireless laptop for scientific field researchers. The real answer will come from market research.

    Hope this helps,

    - Steve

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