
Topic: Other

Best Color For Marketing Proposal - Red Or Blue?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are submitting a cross-promotional proposal to a high end magazine. Our logo can be rendered in turquoise blue, orange-red or gold-brown. Does it matter? Which color will evoke a more positive response?
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi glossyp,

    Nice link here on color. Tough call, they all have their attributes for a cross-promotional proposal.


    Turquoise: We associate blue green with the refreshing and cool ocean. It is therefore invigorating, cooling and calming. Like green turquoise is good for mental strain and tiredness or feeling washed out. It is an elevating colour that encourages us to make a sparkling fresh start. Turquoise is also helpful for feelings of loneliness, sense it heightens communication, sensitivity, and creativity.

    Orange: Orange is a joyous colour. It frees and releases emotion and alleviates feelings of self-pity, lack of self worth, and unwillingness to forgive. Stimulates the mind, renewing interest in life; it is a wonderful antidepressant and lifts the spirits. Apricot/ Peach is good for nervous exhaustion.

    Red:s a powerful colour that has been associated with vitality and ambition. It can help overcome negative thoughts. However, it is also associated with anger; if we have too much red in our system, or around us, we may feel irritable, and impatient, and uncomfortable.

    Gold:Like yellow, gold is associated with the sun and is therefore related to abundance and power, higher ideals, wisdom, and understanding. It is mentally revitalizing, energizing and inspiring, and helpful for fear, uncertainty, and lack of interest. Pale gold is excellent for depression and sharpens the mind.

    Brown:The colour of Mother Earth, brown brings a sense of stability, alleviating insecurity. However it also relates to bottling up of emotion, a retreat from and a fear of the outside world, and also narrow-mindedness. This often results from a lack of self-worth.

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted on Member
    If the proposal is sound, and it speaks to an important problem your target audience wants to hear, you can use any color you like. And if it is self-centered and has more to do with solving YOUR problem than theirs, all the colors of the rainbow won't help.

    I don't mean to sound flip, but it sounds like you are worried about the ants while the elephants tromp through your garden.

    Focus on the essence of your proposal and what's in it for your target audience. Don't worry about the color of your logo.

    Separate question: Why do you have so many options for the color of your logo? Most companies adopt a specific color (or combination of colors) for their logo and don't deviate from that. The colors become almost as important as any other characteristic of the logo. It's hard to think about Coke having a green logo, for example, or Pepsi having an orange one, right?

    Pick the color that best reflects who you are. Don't overthink the psychology of color, or you'll make yourself crazy changing it for each customer.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member

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