
Topic: Strategy

Strategy For Launching A Personal Musician's Site?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am assisting in launching a musician’s website. The goal of the site is to attract fans as well as provide a place for industry professionals to visit and obtain information. This will also be a tool to market him as the brand. Although this is a well experienced musician, it's a unique and no conventional for a non celebrity musician to market himself.
The site will consist of the following pages:
1. about me -bio, musical influences, and stage set up
2. All Social Network connections/links
3. News - listing all the times he was in the news
4. Gallery - professional pics
5. Connect Page -for the fans to connect and interact. It will have a podcast with fan testimonies and comments, videos & pics with fans
6. A page honoring his late mother who played the same instrument.

I think I included just about everything. Can you please assist me to make this a successful launch! The deadline is nearly here!!!
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    What are your concerns with this project?

    What input are you looking for?

    Is there a URL we can visit to check out the site so far and give feedback?

    I don't think this is as unconventional as you think. Trawl through the band wastelands of Myspace and you'll find thousands of unsigned non-celebrity musicians there.

    You don't state whether the musician's work, his music, is available to listen to or sample on the site. Musicians tend to be aural rather than graphic - will sound samples be available on the website?

    Will you be selling CDs at the website?

    If he teaches his expertise, will there be any sample lessons on the website?

    Hope those ideas help....


  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Resource for Musician Marketing with great newsletter.

    Great start - now fleshout what fans need!

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The site alone won't attract fans. You have to tell them about the site, give them a reason to visit it, and a reason for them to give you their contact information. Simply saying, "visit my new site" won't do it. Have exclusive information, and participate in online forums (etc.) where (potential) fans hang out. You need a campaign, not just a website.
  • Posted by thecynicalmarketer on Accepted
    Setting up your own site is becoming almost unnecessary these days, but I would still do it.

    Only about a million other non-signed musicians have tried the same approach as you without success, but you could be the exception. In truth, very few will come to your site no matter how great it is unless they have a reason, which is usually their social network telling about how great it is.

    What you need most is a connection with the social network of the target fan base.
    Some helpful ways:
    - Set up a Facebook fan page and connect with everyone who might have an interest.
    - Get as much content on YouTube as possible and link to it.
    - Move beyond mom (with all respect intended) and get socially active in social/personal causes that matter to others and not just the musician.
    - Participate in blogs, forums, and other places where the musician can establish an identity.

    Good luck!

    Johnny B.
    if you like the advice, read the blog:

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Why reinvent the wheel....
    there are plenty of very successful musicians who have done the same thing. Visit their sites and put together a list of best practices...
  • Posted on Author
    Wow, I just found this site yesterday and didn't expect this type of response. Thank you all for your input! However, I think that I may not have been very clear in my question. My only role in the site is to come up with a strategy to market the site. The details of the site are already determined and I have to work with what that. The artist already has a fan base and social networks set up. The site is not yet posted until the launch date, but I need to create and effective buzz and for the site. I'm looking for creative ideas, any out there? Thanks again for your help!

    P.S. Nora Hammer that site may be useful, thanks

  • Posted on Author
    CORRECTION " effective buzz for the site..." guess I should have paid attention for the chance to read over it.. :.)
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Accepted
    Facebook facebook facebbook.

    Do not waste one minute or opne pennt trying to develop a site that will get no visitors

    Facebook is the place to be for this kind of activity.

    get a bradned pagea nd a vanity url set up and start getting your fans there.

    All the technology is already done for you
    its free
    its simple to manage
    there are billions of potential fans already there waiting to follow your new star :))

    The business of building web sityes has almost become obsolete already.

    The only place to be is facebook

    If you want to spend for some advertising - buy ads on FB :))

    If you want to spend money and time for develpment, then develop a simple FB application that is all about your star, make it a game or a musical things that user can add as an app and enjoy.

    Once you get your FB strategy going - then get ionto the iPhone apps store ASAP. make sure the downlaods are availabel AND build an iPhone APP to downlaod and play.

    I guarantee that these activities will bear 1,000% more fruit than trying to build a web site.

    DO not waste one mopre minute GO GO GO FB.

    Good luck

  • Posted on Author

    That is great advice. You are very true about taking full advantage of Facebook! I will definitely look into this and implement this into my feedback, suggestions and full strategy.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for your time! This has been a good resource, I am now closing the post.


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