
Topic: Strategy

Value Proposition

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
What is meant by value proposition for a professional service firm?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    "Value Proposition" is a clear statement of the target market for a particular product , the what key benefits/features the product will deliver, and sometimes makes reference to the price that will be charged (i.e. "The Best Prices in Town", etc).

    I hope this helps!

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    A clear value proposition (for any kind of business) is one that explains exactly why a customer buys from that business and not from another.

    When I develop these propositions with clients, I get them to think about what their best customers would say are the reasons they buy from them.

    By distilling several such statements you can come up with something quite powerful which acts as the target statement for all customers.

    Then we develop strategies to support that proposition.

    Sounds easy...

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Remember all a value proposition/USP/SSP etc is, is a statement of why a customer should buy from you. Its a "Why You?" statement.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi Byron

    you did not mention the type of professional service your firm provides. Those details will help us a lot to explain the Value Proposition. let me share with you what is Value Proposition of a Brand.

    i said Brand, for a professional service firm, i am assuming the name of the firm is the Brand (it might be the name or a particular service, if ur firm provides more than 1 specialized service).

    Value Proposition consists of 3 benefits (according to Davids A Aaker)

    1. FUNCTIONAL BENEFITS: value offering, quality etc comes under this
    2. EMOTIONAL BENEFITS: attitude, fun and other emotional association comes under this
    3. SELF-EXPRESSIVE BENEFITS: How different this brand makes your from the rest of the crowd etc.

    So now based on the service your professional service firm provides, and brand name you will develop the value proposition. IF you stumble and provide more info then the experts here will surely help you out.

    hope this helps.


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